My new walthers roundhouse has way too much shine. I want to weather it at some point but can I just spray it with Dull coat in the meantime?
Bruce: I have done this and not had any problems with any reactions and have been able to weather after the application.
Just to be on the safe side…I would however check first to see if there is any reaction with the plastic used in this kit. One just never knows!
I’ve Dul-Coted other Walthers buildings with no problem. I’m sure it’s just plain styrene.
Is this a kit? You really want to paint first before Dul-Cote. Also, decals will look very rough if you apply them after Dul-Cote. And, you don’t want to get the stuff on your window glazing - it will fog them up. (Unless, of course, you want them fogged up, which is one way of hiding the interior if it’s not detailed.)
I’ve been doing most of my weathering with powders lately. The preferred technique is to Dul-Cote first, then powder, and then Dul-Cote again. The first layer gives the powder something to stick to, and the second layer keeps the powder on the structure and off your fingers.
Didn’t you paint it with flat paint?
Lots of building kits have rather nice coloring & even some ‘weathering’ (molded in), but being raw plastic have a bit of a sheen. Chalks are good for this, scrubbing too, but dull-cote is a good idea for most plastic kits. Just be sure to wash & scrub the building (if possible) to remove any dirt/oils/grease deposited there while building (or just handling) it.
One thing, if the roundhouse is brick (which I assume it is), did it have molded in mortar coloring? If not, you’ll probably want to add some coloring before dull-coting.
Assuming you have not completed the kit yet, spraying the brick with Rustoleum metal primer works well for me. This is the one that is a brown color. Often, plastics used for brick are too red or orange for a realistic brick color. This primer is more like red brick shade and dries flat.
As far as Testors Dulcote, it is intended for plastic, so there should not be a compatibility problem with it.