Dumb question, but what are...

I have a question that will probably sound pretty dumb, but what are those black squares with white stenciling on rolling stock? I assume they have information like car#, freight capacity and weight. Its seems like it should be general knowledge, but I just don’t know.

Rob C
Portland, Me

No such thing as a dumb question, despite what some of the “experts” might lead you to believe. I’m not sure what you are describing, but I think it might be a doodad that was used I think in the 70’s. It was a way to scan the car information as the car rolled by. ACI plates I think they were called.

I think there’s an article about markings on the trains.com page.

Ere they generally found in the corners of the car?

If they are, I think your describing what is known as a “Consoldation Stensil” which is a standardized sumary of all maintence and repairs performed on a car. Or so I have been told. What information in particular is displayed and for what purpose I do not know.


A lot of cars have a black rectangle, about 10’ x12’, usually found on the lower right corner on the sides, and it’s got a white frame edge. It tells you the build date and rebuild date. I’m not sure what else is on there, probably who did the rebuild. hope that helps

Thanks! I think that’s what I was searching for.