Dummy locomotives

Just a quick question, who makes dummy locomotives? I have a small, soon to be DCC layout, and have very short trains that one locomotive can handle.



I think we just had this thread, but I’ve been wrong before


I think we wall have!

well I must of missed go on down the page, huh



No problemo. Some threads seem to linger on forever and other posts, of more interest are here and gone in an instant

Well I guess that answers my question!

IIRC, the summary of that thread was that now-a-days, the motor and drive isn’t that expensive but the body shell (especially with all the detail is. So if manufacturers did offer dummy models, they would end up like just 10% or less cheaper and most people will just buy the motored model. So why have a separate SKU and inventory etc.

Me personally, I like non-motored models only for DMU/EMU. I am going to remove the motor from an RDC so I can run a multiple unit train without actually buying multiple decoders etc.


I started the other thread.

I also could use 2 dummy UP locomotives. I found both on eBay for less then $20 each. Beings no manufacturers make dummy’s anymore your only choice is to make your own from dead locomotives or find dummy’s that they made sometime ago.

i found a GP38 and a c30-7, both Athearn. Of course you have to do some upgrades when you first get them like, kadee couplers, with the UP’s I had to paint the fuel tank to the correct color and a few small details. Maybe add some weight if needed.

The dummys are out there you just have to patient and look for them.

Thanks, I just got a broken Bachman F40ph and had to convert it to a dummy, but the kadee couplers won’t fit :frowning: I still got it for cheap though! I will start hunting on eBay, I would type more but my fingers are numb. Thanks, Chris

I know this thread keeps getting rehashed over and over. I just do not like having to have to install decoders, extra power needed, expense and other things that have to go on. I buy extra shells and dummies when I can. Lets face it. My current layout is a 4x6 with a 2x4 extension. I have 5 train areas on that size location. Last thing I need is extra expense and more stuff. I can change road, numbers and sometime models with the shells. There are times I like to just have a locomotive in a certain area and I have been think of just installing a speaker in it.


Many manufacture make dummies. The manufactures who make an engine will at least in times past make a matching dummy to the powered unit. With DCC and being able to speed match engines manufactures may be making two powered units. I run steam mainly so I am not that up qaulifed to comment on diesal units. Maybe others can comment on current practice ?


No mfg. makes dummies anymore. The only dummies today are maybe some F units if they are done.

I recently picked up an Athearn RTR WC GP38-2 that the seller took the drivetrain out of if, essentially a dummy. Bought it with a powered DCC ready Atlas WC GP40 for $80 Canadian. Let the internet be your hobby store but don’t forget your LHS as they are a dying breed

What I have noticed lately is that on eBay used dummies are going for more than used DC units. I believe it is because people have been dumping their DC locos in favor of newer models with DCC but still buying dummy units to go with them. So what I’ve been doing is buying DC units instead. My layout is DC. Most of the DC units have already been detailed and have kadee couplers installed. To me I’d rather have at least two powered units on every train because it steadies out the motion. When one loco hits a dirty spot the other loco keeps going and pushes the other before it stalls. Or when starting out the second unit can give a nudge to a stalled unit. I like to have 3 or 4 locos at the head of every long distance train. Some get five units in a latch which is realistic for western railroads.


Thanks everyone!

If you have good model skills with an eye for detail, it should not be too hard to kitbash one.

Another option is to just buy a powered model, then remove the motor and drive train and sell them on eBay to recoup some of the cost. Especially if it’s an Athearn hex drive (Genesis or RTR) or Kato, you should have no problems re-selling the motor and drive train.

Incorrect, Bowser still does.

They are done, and yes, F units including A dummy units. Feast your squinties on this page from Bowser and they are quite a few.


Hello all,

Train show vendors often have many dummy units.

At a show I recently attended one of the vendors had a sign that read:

“No reasonable offer refused.
My wife doesn’t want be to bring it back home.”

Often times vendors will also “bundle” for better savings.

Another option would be to buy a “for parts only” loco on eBay and make your own.

If I was going this route I would contact the seller and ask questions about the condition of the trucks and shell prior to purchase.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, I need to go to another train show soon i havent been to one in a while. Last time I was at a train show I got a old kato NW2 that was in very good shape and it runs on my layout today. That is also when I got my mail car mentioned in one of my older threads. Thanks, Chris

I can’t believe back in 90s, we have great running, highly detailed, well made dummy locomotives, yet we don’t see them often 20 years later