I am currently reading the story on Charles T. Ripley in the Fall 2007 issue and was reminded of something that happened to me this past summer, not that it has anything to do with the article. But… During one of my daily walks in London, while I was on my way back to the office I was waiting at the CP crossing on Clarke waiting for a west bound train. Quite quickly I noticed there was something unusual about this train. The locomotive was not the usual ones that I often see. If my memory serves me (I would need to check my notebook, which is not with me at the moment) I beleive the engine was a F type engine. Although, maybe I want to beleive it was one of the early diesels. What followed was three or four CP Passenger Cars or at laest I thought they were. I recall thinking something was odd about all this, but it was certainly a pleasure observing this train as it went by. About the only thing I remember that was painted on the side of the car was “measurement”. Could it be that this train had included in it’s consist a Dynamometer Car? Does anyone know anything about this train that I saw? I would appreciate any help on this matter. By the way this would have been about 2 months ago at mid-day.