dynatrol and DCC ready locos

Help How do i hook up a dynatrol receiver to a DCC ready loco? Do I use the plug or use the socket? What do I do for directional lighting? I bought a Proto 2000 GP7 and need to get it on the road. Can’t make any money just sitting in the yard :slight_smile: thanks Mike Dickinson dqueaky@netsync.net

I think you’re going to have to wire it in directly or wire up a plug to the Dynatrol reciever/decoder.

For the DCC socket (starting at top left):

Pin #1: orange, motor -

Pin #2: yellow, light, output 2 (rev)

Pin #3: green, light, output 3

Pin #4: black, left track pickup

Pin #5 (top right): red, right track pickup

Pin #6: blue, light, common

Pin #7: white, light, output 1 (forward)

Pin #8: gray, motor +

The wire colors are for DCC not Dynatrol. You can get wiring harnesses with plugs already attached from the different DCC manufacturers.

Isn’t it about time to update to a DCC system?[:-^]

I don’t think the Dynatrol system is compatible with DCC, it is its own system, has been around for years. I’ve heard it has been described as “DCC”, but it means “Dynatrol Command Control” and not “Digital Command Control” of the newer stuff. I’d check it out further if I were you.

I had Dynatrol from 1988 until I went to DCC in 1999. At that time, Abbott offered some dual signature decoders/receivers, made by NCE for Abbott, that allowed you to run an engine on either system. I converted a bunch with that decoder, and they are still in service running on my NCE DCC. That was the time period when Abbott was also offering the infra red.

By using those decoders, it gave me a period of time to start the process of switching over instead of doing it at all one time. When the time came to cut in the DCC I replaced the Dynatrol boces with the NCE, no change in wiring at all, and it all ran.

As I said, I still have some diesels with those dual signature decoders/receivers, but I would suggest biting the bullet and go ahead and switch over. I didn’t realize anyone was still running Dynatrol at this time.


He’s not trying to use Dynatrol to control a DCC decoder, but rather use a DCC “ready” loco with a Dynatrol receiver without having to wire directly to the motor and trucks. As Dynatrol is an analog command control (ACC) system, it utilizes a signal similar to RC planes and cars sent through the rails instead of through the air to the receiver (what we in DCC call a decoder). The receiver is connected in a similar manner to the loco, it’s just a matter of figuring out which wires go where.

Edit: we’ve been had again! This is another old thread from 2001.