E-unit Drums Interchangeable?

Are all e-unit drums interchangeable? I have to replace the drum on my 2343 Santa Fe F3s and I want to make sure I get the right drum.

Additionally, Jim Barrett, in his Workshop video series, mentioned that some after-market drums are over sized and won’t cycle properly. What modifications are required to make after-market drums work properly?




All of the three position eunits use the same 259E-1 drum. The oversized repro drums are no longer on the market. CTT’s Ray Plummer mentioned that in his Toy Train Repair Made Easy book. So, there is no need to worry when buying a repro drum now.

You probably know that American Flyer drums are different from Lionel ones–teeth at one end rather than in the middle.

I don’t think I’ve ever run across any oversized E-unit drums.
Is there any way to readily identify them?