Seeking experiences, opinions and pictures on the Earl Smallshaw’s Tenement Row
Hello. I built the kit last year. It was great, I hated to see it finally complted b/c it was so much fun to build! I know that sounds crazy…but it’s the truth. Here is a link to a picture I took.
For my fellow craftsmen kit junkies out there here are some bits of info from my notes during construction:
For the exterior walls I used Poly Scale Light Grey. For the decking I used model master wood. I weathered by dry brushing Floquil grimy black. For adhesive I wused carpenters wood glue. This is the kind of glue I use for most craftsmen wood kits. For windows I used clear styrene. All in it took me roughly 30 hours. I took my time. Hope this helps. I would love to see other finished pics of Tenement Row. Please let me know what you think of mine, as well as any recommendations or adivce you would give.
In a word…“superb”!!! Those look great, they would be perfect behind the tracks as though you are looking at the backs of houses as you go through a town on a passenger train. A whole string of them would be awesome in different shades along a wall instead of a painted backdrop.
Reminds me of the view I had from a “Pennsy” passenger train I rode from Aberdeen, Maryland to St. Louis, Missouri about 40+ years ago, I sure wish I had had the presence of mind to take some pictures from the window of the passenger car I was riding in. Oh yea, that trip’s ticket was about $40 as I recall, military standby. No wait to take the train but couldn’t get a flight, so what has changed there eh?
Anyhow, fine looking models and a fine looking job!!!
P.S. I did buy a Pennsy “Keystone” ash tray from their gift shop as they were about to become Penn Central…cost? $2.00
I bet that ash tray is worth more than $2.00 now! Thank you for your kind words about my model.
Darn right, its gotta be at least $2.25 by now!
Where did you get the kits and what was the cost? Did all 3 buildings come in the kit? How hard and did you need any special tools?
And yes the kit looked great when you where done.
Cuda Ken
I bought it early last year, if mind serves, I think Micro Mark had it on special. It was around $60 I think. Yes, all three buildings came in one kit. It wasnt hard…just remember when it comes to craftsmen kits, DO NOT play beat the clock. I’m working on one now that I have 50+ hours into and it is a smaller project vs. the temements.
I generaly have three or four kits going a thte same time in different areas of the workbench so that I can take the necessary time when gluing, aging/weathering, paiting, windowing, bashing, etc, and allow appropriate dry time for each while still keeping busy.
This fall I plan on building my first FSM kit. Havent even bought it yet, but I cant wait to try theirs. They look spectacular.
As far as tools go, its the old 80/20 rule for me. I use 20% of my tools 80% of the time. Some of my go-to favs are:
#11 blades - lots of them.
Motor Tool
Spare wood for internal bracing/reinforcement
Good lighting
Proper Magnification (If your eyes are as bad as mine)
Files of various shapes
Kuda Ken
There seems to be two versions of the kit. I ordered mine from Walthers on sale for $120. It is the Northest scale lumber kit I think. I just finished a Foscale kit and it was similar to Bar Mills and not quite like FSM which was the best Kit I ever built. I understand the laundry and all the little details are part of this version. We will see.
I hope to get more responses from those who have built the two versions. Thanks so far.