What were the visual differences between the different Dash 8’s? I’d like to model MR’s Salt Lake Route layout running UP and a free-lanced regional RR, but the later styles aren’t made in N scale. Were the B39-8E/C39-8E visually close to the B40-8/C40-8? I’m not a rivet counter so as long as it looks really close I would be happy. Could I just get away with getting a B40 or C40 and chopping down the cab an appropriate amount to get a B32/B39 or C39 (pre-enhancement version)?
I looked up the Dash 8’s in “Locomotives - The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference” by Greg McDonnell and according the information the B39-8’s were virtually indistinguishable from the Dash 8-40B’s. The only real difference between the two models were a host of internal enhancements like software upgrades and redesigned components for the 7FDL16 engine.
I hope this helps.