I don’t think the early MRC sound decoders will read back the CV numbers. I also do not think they will program on the programming track. That leaves program on the main. I want to have CV29 with a value of 34 an I don’t know if that is the value that is already in there. I managed to set other locos but this one is confusing me. NCE power pro system. What is the procedure to make sure I have #34 in CV29?
If the decoder offers no readback, the only thing you can do is program CV29 with a value of 34 using main line programming, and hope for the best.
Early MRC sound decoders were known to be problematic.
Thanks Cacole. I did as you say and hope for the best. All functions still work as they did before “programming”
A way a command station knows a command took is by a current draw on the track. When the motor moves, there is a significant increase in the current draw and the command station picks up on this. (This is why there are tiny movements everytime we program our trains). That said, the MRC decoders take too long a time from the program command till the motor response, and the command station gets “tired of waiting” for that current pulse and goes, “It must have failed” But the commands DO TAKE. It’s just the older MRC decoders didn’t responsd in time.
Hi. The Pdf manual (available on Athearn-Roundhouse Website) suggests that there is no CV29 on this decoder. Check it out and see what are your options. Good luck! Simon
Curious to see a link to this manual. So far as I know every DCC decoder has a CV 29.
http://www.athearn.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=RND84535 See link at the bottom. I’ve used this manual for my own Roundhouse 4-4-0…
The manual says to test the loco on DC. Therefore it is a dual mode decoder. The DC section is probably not able to be turned off.
Look again, the 76141.1 09/15/06 manual does include CV 29.
Also notice this dual mode MRC decoder with sound does not support the CV read back feature.
Not sure what you are looking at, but it clearly shows shows CV29 in the table with a default value of 2. To be NMRA compliant, a decoder must support CV29 as basic configuration.
Yes, I see that now! (CVs are not in order on the list). I also noticed that in the bottom of the page, it says that there is no read back feature.