Easements purchased for expansion of Sounder commuter service

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Easements purchased for expansion of Sounder commuter service

Why couldn’t they have done that when I lived there over 12 years ago?

$500 million for the Point Defiance Bypass to save 6 minutes in the schedule and eliminate 30 minutes of prime scenery along Puget Sound and instead see the industrial backyard of Tacoma and Lakewood, or pace traffic along I-5. This is a planners and spenders dream, but what do you think the riders would prefer?

BNSF doesn’t own the track between Tacoma and Nisqually. Tacoma Rail is the owner of this track.

Tacoma Rail has been providing service to customers along the Lakeview line, but BNSF still owns the track. According to a 2011 WSDOT map Sound Transit owns the line.