Well, son, I live in Texas, so CSX and NS mean nothing to me. Could not possibly care one tiny bit less about either one.
I don’t understand why topics like this need a poll, anyway. The reasons why I like particular roads are many and varied, and perfectly valid, because they apply only to me and my perceptions and my modelling. There is no competition between railfans as to whose road is “Better”, and there is no prize for “Best” railroad, and besides, YOU have already made up your mind that the Union Pacific seems to rule…
I don’t want to sound like a crabby old man-since I’m not-but you really ought to try and think of some good QUESTIONS–(SEEKING KNOWLEDGE RULES)–so that you can better understand the big picture of railroading in the USA and worldwide.
Besides, you only put up the mega-merger roads.
Everyone KNOWS the D&H-(Delaware and Hudson)-was and will always be the BEST Eastern RR.

I live in a town that has NS trains that go through every single day. I would have voted CSX if it were two or three months ago but now I’m starting to get used to NS instead of Conrail. I still do like CSX though.

I voted for Csx not for the corporation but for one of the railroads that make that corporation work the B&O.
stay safe

i have to vote for who signs my paycheck…lol
csx engineer

I like CSX best, a few reasons are: Im a big time train watcher. If I see tracks I usually get out and check them out. If people are around I usually will talk to them and have found most friendly. A few conrail NS guys asked if I was spying on them for management and if so where I can go. I assured them I was just a train lover and tried to talk about the railroad. Most CSX guys talked freely without suspecting I was anything but what I said I was. I f

Most NS people Ive met seem to not like train watcher I dont get that from CSX. Ive read about NS not liking trespassers of any kind. CSX seems to be more tolerant. It might not be the same everywhere, but that has been my experience in NJ. Joe

To tell you the truth, neither one of them is my favorite.
I miss Conrail.
So I can only choose one of those two RRs???
I suppose I’d have to give a partial 3/4 vote to NS because I have met some good people who work for NS and NS owns the former PRR and Reading trackage that I like in PA. I’d also have to give a partial vote to CSX because I had a friend who was a big CSX/B&O fan.
I’d much rather have Conrail back.
Better yet, bring back the PRR and the B&O.

I voted for CSX. I live nearby the old B&O main line to Philly.

All he’s trying to do is get an opinion from the “easteners” on which popular. Call it “broadening his horizons.” The D&H isn’t around anymore. Where talking present tense.

As for me, I wouldn’t know which one to pick. Whatever decicion I make would be based soley on the roots of the company. CSX had the Chessie System, but the NS has the Norfold & Western which I’ve stated before was the best railroad I never saw. Plus the NS was there for the opening of the O. Winston Link museum. Any decision on my part is not gonna be based on negative rumors like “the NS to mean” or “the CSX is anti-steam.”

I’ll make my decision before the end of today.

Hey Tank you gonna see the UP 3985 when It comes thru texas
If not Im gonna get pictures[:D]

The D&H is my favourite “made in America” American Eastern Railroad.
If it were for today’s eastern railroad it would be Canadian Pacific.
I was able to watch the Agincourt yard from my bedroom window.


I voted for N Y C. But I also liked Conrail, and the D & H, S A L, ACL, and many others.

There are just too many railroads, now fallen, to choose from. I know there are others I like from the East too, but right now have just forgotten them.

The N Y C J3A s were one fine looking locomotive (the streamlined ones). It is a shame none were donated to a museum. All are gone now. Who could forget the 20th Century Limited? It was one fine train.

The N Y C certainly did its part during WWII to keep oil and other war needed supplies flowing to the east coast. But many east coast railroads did the same day after day. It is a shame so few are here today.