edblysard>>Chinese Steam Locomotives...

Any Idea when those 2 Chinese Locomotives are due in Houston? According to the article in TRAINS they were shipped April 21. Any idea as to routing from Houston to destination?

Enquiring minds would like to know.

I am trying to find out…as of wensday, no word yet.
We, the PTRA, have not received any request as to having any specialized equipment on hand.
I have the trainmasters checking, and will ask again this morning when I get to work at 06:30…(thursday and friday are my off days)[:D]

…As fast moving as the Chineese are now they’ll probably convince us here in the US to go back to steam and they will {of course}, manufacture and sell them to us…! At the same time they will be building high speed rail for themselves…

Hey if they can build steam engines cheaply enough and deliver them, then it’s not too far fetched. With open access and sheap labour it could be done.

…We would be better served if we build more of what we use here and SELL them more of what we make…Our balance of trade is already far down in the dumper…

Ok…ship was at the channel mouth this morning early, docked and cleared customs at dock 18 this afternoon.
Welders are called for 5 pm tonight to start on the flat car mods, locomotives should be on the flats tomorrow morning somethim, depending on what the welders have to do…welders and fitters will work after that to secure the locomotives to the cars.
I will try and get down to the dock tomorrow afternoon after work, and see about photos.
Good enough?

Thanks, ED.
I really do appreciate your info. I was hoping that they might accidentally come up the UP through Coffeyville, and on to KC, or even up the KCS through Joplin and Pittsburg.
[ I would think that it would be a good chance with a somewhat oversized load they might be transported in their own train, rather than as a general freight move?] I suspect that there is more than one forum member that would like to catch this move.

I will try and find out…so far, we usually transport locomotives on flats in with everything else…about the only dedicated train would be for oversized things, like the really big transformers, or the reactor vessel we sent out last year, and the Windfan trains…

Again, Thanks Ed:
I reallly hope to be able to see these engines in transit. Got to see the 844 when it was thru Coffeyville and even chased it for a while. I am curious to see how these engines compare size-wise with that Northern. So any information would be helpful, and the pictures you mentioned would be great.

“sheap” labour? Never knew sheep could drive trains - perhaps that’s where we’ve been going wrong![:)]

Gotta watch them sheep…they might join a union or something…
Still have not see the locomotives lifted out of the ship yet.
One of our trainmasters is going to run down there today and see whats up.

Lets hope the “Sheap” don’t organize… Hollywood will want to make a movie…
At any rate, let’s hope the Trainmaster can find out some info on what’s going to happen down there in the Port with those engines.
Thanks for the update, Ed.

Ok, they are off the ship and on the flats…I sent some photos out to a few folks, hopefully one or two of them can post some of them here…got the ok to do so from our trainmaster.
Yes, if they post one with a skinny guy in front of the locomotives, that is me.
Sorry about the snapshot quality, couldnt step back any more, unless I wanted to go swiming in the ship channel.[xx(]

Note the engineer stands on the left side…

Cant tell you what route they will take, or who is carrying them, thats privledged info I am not a liberity to release, but watch UP and BNSF’s websites.

If you want a few photos e mail me with an email address I can send them to…

Do appreciate the info on this.
Thank you.

Paging Chad Thomas…if Ed should happen to e-mail photos, would you post them for us?[:D]

Yea, give me a few minuets.

Sorry guys, rrpicturearchive.net is down for maintainance today. I will post them tommarrow if the site is back up.


If you send them my way, I can host with my Pbase account.

Here’s one!

OK Chris, sent them to ya.