El Paso Streetcar returns to Operation


El Paso Streetcar is back

Jul 28th, 2021

Downtown and uptown routes start July 29.

Related To: Sun Metro

Starting July 29, the El Paso Streetcar will provide service every Thursday, Friday and Saturday to downtown and uptown events during the summer.

The streetcar will run from 4:00 p.m. to midnight and fares will be waived. The public can easily hop on at any of the 27 stops along a 4.8-mile loop that connects dining, entertainment and other venues in the area.

Streetcar passengers may park for free during the re-activation weekend, July 29-31, at the Glory Road Transfer Center, 100 Glory Road.

Sun Metro is also introducing the Ride Sun Metro App, which will feature the El Paso Streetcar. The app is now available for download on both Android and IOS systems and replaces the former El Paso Streetcar App, which is no longer active.

Face masks are required on the El Paso Streetcar due to r

What was puzzling was all the old street cars parked on the airport property east of the east west runway. Have they ever been removed ?

I think that I recal that they have relocated to city property covered storage. Of all the cars purchased from San Diego over half a century ago, these were those requiring the most restration work. Scrapping was thought not to be an option, because PCC-car bodies that are restorable are worth a lot today. Just ask MUNI or the Market Street Railway Association. Like MUNI and the MBTA in Boston, El Paso is keeping some bodies in hand as protection for a ossible system expansion or increase in ridership.

Why not daily? No good to the local community commuterss

Because it’s a tourist trap, not a providing serious transportation to the community.

Kenosha WI does provide street car service to local residents as locals use it as a connection to the METRA N SHORE LINE and to the waterfront 7

Try to stay on topic, the discussion is about El Paso, not a place likely to be misteaken for Kenosha (I’ve been to both)