Electric meter and circuit box model

I just finished making an electric meter and circuit box for the rock shop in Dos Manos. The boxes were made of styrene, then I made a silicone mold and cast duplicates out of resin. The “glass” dome was turned from a 1/4" diameter acrylic rod, using a hand-held drill as a crude lathe. Underneath the dome is a vinyl sticker I printed out, with a photo of an electric meter on it. . . . . . . . .

Ray, Once again you’ve created an amazingly life-like model of an everyday item which most of us never think to include in a project. Looks really great. Thanks for sharriing. Jack

I would almost bet the circuit box is a working on/off switch.

As usal you have surpassed us all…


even the rust looks realistic, absolutely phenomenal.

That looks more realistic than my own real electric meter outside my house. Great job! - Peter

Ray you never cease to amaze me. I’m afraid to ask, do the dials actually turn?

Have fun, Rob

Thanks! Nope, the dials don’t turn.

Ray - Like most of your creations. I sat here looking at the picts and eventually picked my jaw off the table. Nice nice work. Shu