I’m fairly confident with household 110V wiring for lighting and receptacles but almost totally lost when electrical becomes electronics. Is there a fairly well explained web site that explains in laymans terms how resistors/capacitors/etc function so that I can become more confident/competent with these components?
Yeah,there Mr. Lackey. Look up DCC WIKI and you shall be gratified. Sorry I haven’t figured out how to make stuff clickable yet. I had to look it up on my favorites list.
Thanks for the response…although I’ve found WIKI to be rather…consistantly inconsistant with accuracy when dealing with topics of which I am competent with.
The searches I’ve done so far have resulted in sites that are very basic or are rocket science material…I’ll keep looking though.
Dave Loman put this site together a couple of years ago, with the input (or feedback) of a few folks here on the forum. Hopefully this will help answer some of your questions. I found the link again and have it bookmarked.