electronic reverser

The stepping relay (I think it’s called an e-unit) that controls reversing on my post-war Lionel diesel is making a lot of buzzing noise. Are you aware of anyone who makes an electronic unit that I could replace it with? Thanks.

It is supposed to buzz - to varying degrees.

If you insist(on going electronic)… they are not cheap… check with the folks at The Scaled Tin Rail.

The old fashioned E units are supposed to make a slight buzzing noise unless set to a non-cycle position, or to lock the E unit out of cycling(in forward or nuetral or reverse only), then it don’t make the buzzing noise. Depends on the year of manufacture as to how loud the buzzing will be and how high the voltage is when running.

Speaking of E units, I need one for a 224E steam loco, the little red roller wheel(that has the electric contacts) fell out of my E unit, tried putting it back in and squeezing the sides of the E unit together but it keeps coming out.

Lee F.