Elevator for the new layout + feed mill

This is a test fit for the Walthers Elevator…I’m still working on the shed.

Related links on the layout:






My new layout, (#4), a bridge-line that takes place in Eastern Missouri, will connect the CB&Q near hiway 79, then west to Hawk Point then south along hiway 47 across the old Wabash / Norfolk & Western RR line near Warrenton thru Missouri Wine Country to conn

Looks very good, reallistic weathering.

I wish I had a place for it. [:)]


Very nice. Your weathering and decal work seem right on target.

The weathering done with thin paint wash & chalk…No decals product signs coppied from real signs on line …Lincoln Co signs on mill made with coppied logo from sign found on line and lettering made in MS publisher.