Elizabeth, Second only to Frimbo in railway mileage

Here’s visual proof that 95 years of riding trains of all sorts does have its advantages and perks for some people:

Or, How to know one has arrived!

1952 - 2022: Long may she reign in peace.

It’s almost staggering to think of all the history Elizabeth’s seen and been a part of during her life.

But I wonder if anything’s matched her being on the balcony of Buckingham Palace with her father, mother, sister, and Winston on V-E Day? What a day that must have been!

London on VE day- one would guess that the pubs would be somewhat crowded.

That tends to happen when you are in a public position from birth and then you stay in the public eye well into your 90’s.

She and her sister donned more common clothes and went out into the crowd later, to join in the celebrations. I don’t think anyone recognized them.

The following linked story seems to be an appropriate item to add to the historical context of this Thread:


Princess Elizabeth was thirteen years old when WWWII started in 1939.

The link is to some photos of her in her ATS [The Auxilioary Terriutoral Service] Uiform (Mechanic and driver) during wartime.

If you’ve never been to the Imperial War Museum, go! Don’t ask questions, just go! And go to the IWM Duxford, but only if you like vintage aircraft like Spitfires and Hurricanes.

The observation car that the King and Queen used on their cross-Canada trip in 1939 lives in the East end of Toronto. I understand that the guy who owns Rapido Trains, a major manufacturer of model train equipment owns that car and is restoring it.