Ulrich, is it the cost of shipping or the import taxes makes it that much?
You know, I have a customer that is going to Germany in June, I wonder if I could get him to take the supplies you need? Worst he can say is no. Would that be smuggling?
Good morning. It’s 57° and mostly cloudy. The high will be 79° with patchy clouds.
Nothing on the schedule today except paying bills and buying groceries. I can pay most of the bills online but there are three that must be paid in person as they don’t except payments over the internet. Some companies insist on living in the dark ages. I may get some layout work done later depending on how I feel.
Jeff- I have the same enginne house as you, although I did not build it as a drive through. Can you tell me what you applied to the red bricks to make them appear well used?
importing from the US pays off if you get rock-bottom prices, which some of our importers get. Customs adds 10% to the total, including shipping, VAT another 19% on top of all. WS products are widely unknown over here, most folks use Noch, Busch or Faller products. As I am pretty much settled on WS products to capture the lush green Japanese scenery, I will have a hard time to find an alternative. Well, time will tell…
Zoe, coffee and a handful of those gorgeous looking cookies, please.
Jeff - another nice billboard!
Ken - if declared as a gift, any purchase below $ 50 would be free of any duty or VAT. But taking it along, finding a post office and mailing it here is too much of a hassle to do. I am sure I will come up with a “brilliant” way of solving my sourcing problem - without adding $ 70 to the bill!
Good grief Jeff! While that loco’s in the engine house, you need to build a little power washer and hose that thing off. Uh…, see’uns how you have “nothing else to do” you know. (chuckle)
Zoe I’ll have a short stack of Pennsylvania Dutch Buttermilk Pancakes with some new Maple Syrup for the Maple trees down the road to go along with a mug (or two) of dark roast coffee in my FGLK Mug, Please and Thank You!
Looks like the trees have started to bud out now that April is here… I forget who it was that is 60 miles away from the diner’s location… I am an hour and a half away. “You might be from Upstate NY if you measure distance by time…”
Dark dreary day outside, but we are well away from the April Fools day Nor’easter roaring up the East Coast at the moment. May get a some sprinkles and a few flacks, but nothing more.
Jeffrey, nice shot of the engine house! [:D][:D]
I hope to have the Passenger Cars done with decals by the end of the day (Or close to it).
The way the weather keeps changing Im sure thats a leading cause. At least we didnt get all the storm they said we were gonna get-went off the cost and to the east.
Waiting for MOH to get out of work to bring me a refill on my Migraine script pills. Will be soon. The minutes are getting closer to that time.
I was supposed to go to do my spenddown but MOH will do htat for me. Was also going to see my fahter, but nixed that.
FOrgive my typing if really bad as not myself today. I have learned to only post here and not to try answering other posts as my typing and info oftne gets scrambled. so I shall post only here today.
Hope everyone else has a great day though…me I will lie on couch tv volume very low nad with glazed eyes take in some Bonanza shows. A favorite this tiem of day and nto much else on anyway this time.
EDIT: {groan} I get top honors so now I have to saty here all day to pay your tabs! Eat up boyS! MY CC is on the table should i doze off.
[sigh] This coming up with a name thing is harder than I thought. Oh sure I can come up with several, but ones I’m sure I wanna keep… THAT’s whole other bucket of water. I guess I shouldn’t have picked the T & P when I got back into this mess, but then, I thought I’d model differently. That didn’t last long either. Then I started coming up with all these freelance ideas that kept changing until what I have now. Why not change? I’ve got juuuust enough things to make me say I’ve got too much invested and would have to change too much. To some, it’s probably not that much. To me, a cheap son of a gun, it’s plenty. I’m happy with the “let’s just say it never went away because it’s my world” concept. See why I don’t want to really pick something quickly?
Good advice not taken, Figure out what you want before you dive in. [banghead] Oh well, it’ll work out. Just need some time to pass. Patience weedhopper. Patience.
Welp, so far it’s been a day of staring and saying “I’ll do this. Nah, don’t wanna get involved in that. I’ll do this. Nah, don’t wanna get that all gunky, then I’ll have to clean it up and I gotta w**k.” You know, one of those days.
What I DID do though…[yeah]… is ran a train around the lower loop. Was a bit disheartening at first as the thing didn’t want to move very far and was very jerky. First place the train stalled…yup, In a tunnel. [%-)] Easy access from underneath, but that solidifies the don’t want a no access tunnel theory. A quick going over with a very fine sanding block followed buy a Bright Boy equivelant, and [<:o)] Runs like a champ. Soon as I get the rest of the buss ran and the feeders attached it will not require as much throttle. I have a few joints I need to hit with a file, but other than that, runs great. For now.
I guess I’ll go back down and stare at what else I don’t want to get involved in now.
Got the bills paid and got the first half of the groceries. Checked at Wal-Mart for ‘Unstoppable’ but it was sold out. So I used the extra money to get ten boxes of sugar free drink mixes. I’ll buy ‘Unstoppable’ online instead. I think I saw it listed for $15 somewhere. I’ll have to look it up. After bills, groceries and gas I have enough left to get most of my meds. After I cut my parents yard this weekend I’ll have enough to get all my meds. The co-pays are real low but when you have ten or more of them it really piles up. It can reach twenty-five to thirty bucks real quick. Thankfully I don’t have to pay income tax.
Figured I’d borrow something from some friends to get here.
Sorry, I couldn’t talk them into letting me borrow some coaches or slate wagons.
Got some more sod down on the layout. Woodland Scenics blended turf is really good stuff. I bought some no-name stuff first, and that stuff was a joke.
Also assembling some Walther’s fencing. Good kit but needs some better ways to glue it together. Everything has to get sitting level But can’t clamp it.
Here are a couple progress pics on my (N) layout. Creating tunnels for the volcano and base coat of icing in the canyon. At least that’s what it reminds me of…icing.[^o)]
…and one overhead view with bridges loosely in place, except the middle one which is going to be replaced.
Not much going on here. The weather is nice here for a change. I believe the high was 81.
Flo, I would love a piece of that Strawberry-Rhubarb pie if any is left with a coffee please.
Jeff- Thanks for the weathering info for the engine house.
Rob- That is going to be neat when it is done. The sulfur hills are very well done. I had never considered using tubing like that. Once it is permanet how do you access the tube if there is a problem?
Before work this week I taped up 2 tunnel portals and sprayed flat black in the appropriate areas for soot. I also did that to my coaling tower. Next time I will be able to model will be Monday afternoon.
I have the Walthers DCC/Sound version of this FM H10-44. I love this thing. Whenever I run it it reminds me of a old Chevy or Ford.