Elliot´s Trackside Diner - December 2011

Ho,ho, ho!

Santa has moved the Diner to its new location, ready for the upcoming holiday season!

We are not at the North Pole, but in high country, just to make sure there will be a white Christmas for us!

Denver is the place - a good chance to spend the holiday money at a certain hobby shop!

Welcome, Gang!

Here is a trail of bread crumbs to the old place.

Hi Ulrich!

Thank you for moving us…I was thinking of a white Christmas" locale anyway!

People were kinda “wimpy” last month wanting warmth when it wasn’t so cold yet!!!


Today Is Thursday, December 1st, 2011!!!

Only 24 more days of Christmas Shopping til Christmas!!!

Send Santa a email with a direct link to your favorite Hobby E-tailer and the item you REALLY want for Christmas so there is NO MISTAKES!!!


Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.


Good morning, So were in Denver… What a great town! I will be downtown at the Warwick Hotel in my suite. Let me know when we are heading to Caboose Hobbies, I will have my driver pick you up if you need a ride. If you are flying into the Denver airport to join the fun and your on Delta and you see a really cute girl at your gate named Amanda, That’s my daughter so let her know your with me and you will get the Vip treatment. I had better quit day dreaming and get my caboose in gear, winter is here again today, we are suppose to have rain/snow/ and 70mph winds That should make for some fun Truckin with my set of triples … Oh well part of the sport! Not my first Rodeo… I’ll see you all tonight if I make it home in one piece.


Good Morning All,

Happy December! On the 11th I’ll be celebrating the 20th anniversary of my 25th Birthday.

Yes that is correct I’ll be 25 with 20 years experience!

On the 10th the new washer and dryer will be delivered, so starting this weekend I’ll be in the basement cleaning everything, including the track!

I hear the railroad men are going to strike? Anyone have any news about this? Good thing we got the di

Good Morning!! Coffee and an order of Biscuits and gravy please. Thank you.

Mostly sunny, with a high near 46.

DENVER!!! [:O]That’s a mile high!!! I’m scared of heights. [:$]

Ray- That’s great you have a company you can trust. That’s a rare thing anymore. I agree with your reasons for using them and, though I’m not filthy rich, I would spend a bit more for the same reasons.

Jeffrey- New cars are looking good. Glad to hear your hands are a bit better.

Lee- Haven’t heard. BIL is a RR worker, but he be married to my sister so therefore…[:#]

Floor Wars: Williamsville day 2. Decided NOT to try the 45 cuts around the corner. I think it would look nicer, but it’s just with this whacked out area where the hall turns, could just turn out to be a nightmare. Nothing matches at a 45 or at a ninety. A man has got to know his limitations. (I wonder where I heard that from) So far all is going well. It actually feels good to get some stuff done at my own house for a change[Y]. I know Brenda’s happy. Finally.

Gotta pay a couple bills, then back to the floor and to w**k that pays and doesn‘t cost.

Ya’ll have a Great Day!!!

puff puff wheeze puff puff wheeze–what you guys tryin’ to do?–make me exercise? Puff puff wheeze puff puff wheeze

I was going to post in the other thread but the doors were locketied up…and there was a note saying you all ended up in DENVER??? I’m going to have to get used to the thin air up here I hate to tell you!!!

Good Morning!!

It is now just getting brighter out here and the eggs and becan are getting cooked as I speak…heeheehee

I have some groceries I have to get for the weekend on-call then it is off to the trainroom to get some piccies of the layout so far…

Anyhow…Flo, I’ll have a coffee and a breakfast bagel please…I’ll be at the RC …


great. Denver, not far away from Narrow Gauge Country.

I like it!


Morning All,

At w**k today. It was 44 F out the door this morning. First day this season to see the breath outside. It’s supposed to get to about 70 F today then be in the 80’s for several days.

I have never been to Denver before so I am excited[Y] but not so excited about snow[N]

Talk to all of you later.

Caboose Hobbies anyone?[;)]

An extra large coffee TO GO, please.

Have a good day all.

Cheers! Rob

Hey Chloe, glad you made it. Hope you enjoy Denver for Christmas. Thanks, Ulrich for the move. I will have a quick coffee. My friend just got back from Denver. He said that they haven’t had the new snow that we have had in the Cascades.

Today is my day volunteering at the Union Gospel Mission Dental Clinic. If I am efficient, I can get my laps at the pool beforehand.

Thayne, Triples can be dicey this time of year. I have driven doubles, but never triples. When we had our own truck, I used to run down into California with Larry. I remember passing triples on those hills in Oregon. Be careful.

Off to the pool, Sue

Good morning. It’s 38 and sunny. The high will be 64 and mostly sunny.

Today is December 1st and as such is the beginning of a new month. It’s also bill paying day. I’ve already paid quite a few online. The others must be paid in person as the places the money is owed to haven’t come out of the stone age yet. I also have to take one of parents cars to a garage in town. After yesterdays weathering marathon there’s nothing else scheduled for today.

Galaxy … Thanks for handling the move across the Sunbelt in November.

Ulrich … Denver? Okay! My Denver Zephyr is on the way.

Meanwhile, here’s a picture I took departing Denver on the California Zephyr about five years ago. We did stop in Caboose hobbies while in Denver before boarding the train.

We were in Nashville yesterday. Next few days will be busy, too. Not much model railroading to report.

My brother’s winter home is in the mountains far above Denver. A place called Idaho Springs. So Close, and I can not get him to drive up to North Dakota!

Mornin’… pant, pant…

Man just walking into the diner has me out of breath this morning… Denver? You don’t say? Mile high? Wow! (I knew THAT…) Guess I better go easy with breakfast until I get used to the lack of air up here… Zoe, just a Raisin Bran Muffin with real butter and a cup of dark roast coffee in my R&GV RR Mug.

Speaking of the R&GV RR Museum… Brought somethig for “Show and Tell” I did! RG&E GE 45 Tonner #1941 (after the year she was built) is almost ready for service. Only needs to have a governor adjusted on one of the Cummins Prime Movers. Here she is being taken out the shop to be washed a couple nights ago.


No, it isn’t a cute little 44 tonner, it is a 45 tonner! GE made 44 tonners, 45 tonners, 80 tonners, 110 tonners and a whole lot of other tonners as well. This one is clearly identifiable by the side rods linking the axles together. here is what she looked like in April 2010:


[edit} Now they are linked…





Both linked…nice work there!

Uh… Duh!

Must be the lack of oxygen… or the fact I am still not quite awake.

Thanks Barry! I’ll link them in my post as well.


Coffee in a SUNNY & SOUTHERN mug, please.

***Ray, really enjoyed the vids. Well done!

***Garry, perhaps one day you’ll make it down my way, about 1 hour drive south of Chattanooga. You and yours are always welcome.

Mandatory early meeting and errands done. Now just going to rest awhile in a corner booth.


Rob … Thanks. We like Chattanooga. It’s been several years since we have been there.

Lion … I recall being in idaho Springs, CO and that was a very long time ago.

Here is a picture I took on the train after departing Denver. We were beginning to climb the foothills. I UP train is visible ahead, and it is waiting for our train to pass.