Good morning. It’s 55 and sunny. Today’s high will be 80 and it will be sunny.
Today I’ll see if I can get a couple of things sent out. Other than that I’ll be working on a Front Range GP7 shell. I mounted Kadee coupler pockets to the chassis and installed Kadee #148’s and put a slightly modified Model Power GP7 body on it so it’s at least doing something useful. On the other hand it looks good there. I may leave it there.
I’ll have a couple of the Bavarian Creme Doughnuts and some dark roast coffee in a local RR mug. Danke.
Nice! So we are on a German Tour huh? Wunderbar! (I can see I’ll have to brush up on my German this month a bit… Been about 45 years since I flunked it at Eastman.)
I didn’t get home until later after the NAACP Chapter banquet last night. Keynote speaker was one of Geneva’s own… Mr. Robert L. Woody, Deputy Secretary Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. He had a powerful message to all of us. Basically, grow up to be a contributing member of society, earn the respect of other people, and give your respect to all deserving people.
Today is cold, dark, and rainy outside. Currently 47°F with a high of 50° later this afternoon. Big thing for today is the 80th. birthday for a dear old friend of mine. She is quite a lady! Known far and wide for her hats… Here she is a year and a half ago at out MLK Scholarship Banquet. She is the little lady with the hat… Standing behind her and to the left is Arun Gandhi who was our speaker at the event. The others were the scholarship winners (some of my students way back when they were in elementary school and Rev. Golden the President of the MLK committee. I am not in the photo as I was busy taking the photo…[;)]
Not much to report from the land of Buckeyes on this cold and damp Saturday morning other then I plan to throw another log on the fire and read a Western novel.Modeling wise I am working on a fun project of souping up a older BB SW1500.
There are other “lurkers” here who follow our banter and amuse themselves at our expense I am sure…[swg]You are welcome to join us…
sit down and have a [D] or a [B] {if you are old enough} and a piece of [pi] or [^] if you like…
The rules are fairly simple…shall we rehash the rules for you and any other newbies or lurkers???
The diner is open to all, no dues or fees to get in. The diner food has no calories so you may eat what you want when you want and all you want. The guy who gets to the Top of the page post “pays” for all the other diner’s meals on that page for as long as the page lasts. The waitresses are pretty and great at serving your meals in a timely fashion. They DO deserve a 15-20% tip don’t forget! Or you will be met at the door byour bouncer…Cousin Vinny hangs around to keep peace. No pinching the waitresses!!!The diner is both heated and airconditioned for our comfort no matter where in the world it may be. It Does generally travel teh USA, though, with some side trips to Canada . We just “came from” Canada and are now in Germany. The diner only lasts a month before the new one is started. That is to save bandwidth teh folks at Kalmbach tell us. The lucky person who gets to move it picks where it will go next, often on the suggestions of others.
We DO try to help each other, and are a place where there is NO judgemental conditions here. Stay away from “inflamatory subjects” such as politics, religion, who has the
Afternoon all, I’ll have a [B] please, and by all means keep them coming…
Today has been one ginormous clustergaggle! First things first, Amy calls me from Birmingham (she’s at a women’s conference/retreat) and the car won’t start. I get off with her, call my boss tell him I can’t make it. He tells me that there’s already been one call out and we can’t have two on the same day (and with me being a member of management, its also my responsibility to be there). So I grumble, gripe, and show up to work. I then call my relief, whom is supposed to be there at 4 this afternoon to come in as soon as he humanly can and let me go to fix the car. He finally returns my call at noon (by this time my FIL was there awaiting for me to get off work so we could ride up there together and fix the car), and tells me that he has to take a shower, make 2 phone calls, then he’d be in…THREE HOURS LATER! He shows up, all apologetic saying he’d fallen asleep, yadda, yadda. By now my FIL is almost in Birmingham and now I’m off w**k and home waiting to hear if I have to go up there and help out…AFTER THE FACT [:(!][li]
All right, all right, that’s enough venting for me. I think I’m going to hang out right here at the RC and try to relax.
***Bama, I do not have any kind of manual for the truck. I looked around the tranny but couldn’t identify the right plug. Hope your wife was able to get back on the road without much trouble.
***Ken, is that Charger lowered for racing or is it just the way it looks sitting in the grass?
Where has this day gone? Have hardly accomplished anything. Best do some outside work until dark. Have a good one y’all.
Rob: Thanks for your concern. She hasn’t gotten back on the road yet, but I do have a pretty good idea of what’s wrong with it. Its the theft-deterrent system in the Camaro that’s gone bad. Speaking of which…on your truck when you shove the key into the ignition and try to start it, does the “Security” light on it stay on steady, or blink at you? If it stays on steady, then we’re okay and can continue on with “regular” diagnosis of the starting system. If it blinks at you, THEN you’ve also got a GM theft-deterrent system problem that’ll have to be solved. Speaking of which, you should be able to trace the color of the wire from the small terminal on the starter back through the wiring harness on the truck to the Neutral Safety Switch. If the truck is an automatic, it’ll be on the driver’s side of the transmission and will be located behind the arm that the shift cable attaches to. If its a manual, then we’ve got more to look for because for the life of me I can’t remember where it is.
I’m all relaxed and cool and calm and collected at this point, guess I’ll actually check out things around here and see what’s happening.
Flo, [B] please. (you folks never saw that coming did you)[:-^]
Rob I never seen one in person, but they sat pretty low. Not a bad looking little car. I think if you did around on U Tube you find some video’s about them.
Been a pretty boring day, only thing I did was cut the front grass.
Todd: Thanks for that. Just went and had a look with the old man, definately a 460.
Ken: Sure have heard of those Aussie ones. My old man owned two when he was about 19. He has owned alot of cars. The one he regrets selling is a Chrysler Valiant Charger E48. It cost him about $8,000 back in the 80’s, they are now worth alot more. I think this is the same as the one you posted a pic of as it had 3 two barrel weber carbys and had a four speed manual box.
P.P.S looking at the two photos Ken they are the same car which is definitely a Chrysler!! Chryslers here originally started out as imported Plymouths in the 60’s, ceasing production in 1985.
I was working on the Front Range GP7 shell today and found that it’s very brittle and breaks easily. This makes it unsuitable for use. I replaced it with a Model Power GP9 shell. It fits on easily enough but has open pilots so can’t be held on by the coupler pockets like the original shell. A little hot glue at the sides took care of that.
Had a relatively quiet day here…not too many issues showed up so i spent part of the day in the office getting some supplies requisitioned for later on this month…
mmmmm…after checking out with the neighbour it occurred to the two of us that he did have enough space in his garage to put up what we are going to refer to it as…a murphy layout…established as a form of murphy bed…bed folding upright into a 6-8 foot tall cabinet/closet affair, this layout, with buildings still attached will fold up into a wall unit approximately 14" deep…we are looking at any ideas for how to achieve this idea…[swg]
Chloe, I’ll have a coffee for now please…I’ll be at the RC for a bit…
Evening again. I think I’m going to have a large chef’s salad with fried chicken in it, sprinkle a few bacon pieces over the top and throw some ranch and honey mustard dressing over all that. I will also have a tall glass of sweet tea, please Janie.
Well, I think I’m about to head off to bed here soon, I’m pretty tired as I didn’t go to sleep until almost 3am this morning and then had to w**k all day. I’m a little tuckered out, but at the same time I know that if I try to go to sleep now I’ll just end up being woken up by Amy and the girls when they get back this evening. Oh well, what to do, what to do?
Barry: I have to admit that would be interesting to see once its complete…it would also somewhat conveniently make almost anywhere into a suitable layout space as long as you could fold the unit down and have room to move around it.
Welp, my salad is here, so I think I’ll enjoy it and see what else can happen for a bit, then I’m going to go and get some rest.
Been watching it since the early 80’s. Also seen Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Also a special called The Seven Doctors in which all the doctors up to that point had to team up against a common foe.
***Bama, I knew that. I must have had a brain fart while typing. Sheesh, where does my mind go sometimes. I left the water running yesterday and would have drained much of the storage tank had there not been a lucky kink in the hose slowing the flow. Whew!
***Jeffrey, I never saw The Seven Doctors. That would have been interesting. I also watched Torchwood but not Sarah Jane’s Adventures.
Being a child in England in the 60’s I was utterly terrified of the TV show Dr. Who and in particular the Daleks. I was so scared that the first few notes of that theme tune would send me screaming from the room. There were many nights when I simply could not sleep. My parents made sure to turn the off knob to stop me and my brothers from having to suffer. I have probably only watched a dozen complete episodes and even today find the tune evokes an unpleasant feeling. I can’t think of anything else that scared me more as a child! Needless to say I have never been a big fan.
***Simon, that’s ashame. That tune always brings back wonderful memories of a girlfriend I had at the time. We watched many an episode together. Anyway, to make this train related, on tonights episode, there is a glimpse of a train running across a high trestle into an Area 52 pyramid.
I got the Front Range GP7 as complete as it’s going to get. I got everything on the frame but the swing hangers. Those darn things just wouldn’t go on without breaking. The Front Range shell is another matter. It basically started disintegrating every time I touched it. So after a while I decided it was time to pitch the shell. The chassis now sports a Model Power GP9 shell and it looks good on it. It’ll give my friends who are Model Power bashers a reason to wonder why it doesn’t make the noises those locos make.