elliots diner: the January 2011 edition...

Here we are in sunny California…amongst the cacti of Borax…

I guess we needed to move before we needed too move…[(-D]

The fireworks have going on for ten minutes. Boy oh boy, are some folks glad to be in Sunny California. Wish everyone a safe New Year.


An early move? I must have really missed something.

The fireworks ain’t goin right now. I got no clue if they will. Due to the drought, All of the counties around me are having emergency burn bans placed in effect (including no fireworks of any kind, not even sparklers or smoke bombs), and I think my county is doing the same.

On the train front, I’m currently re-building a C40-8W and up-dating the detailing (mainly scatch-building new hand rails that have gone missing) I’ll eventually do the same for my other Dash-8, and then I’ll take it from there. I don’t know what I’ll do after that.

Happy New Year everyone

THAT was sudden!..and no bread crumb trail,and no way now to leave one either…[X-)] there I was sending Jeff’s parking lot story to Kris (under the title …what goes around…), seeing how well behaved, or how well intentioned, we all are; and the next thing I know we’re in suthrn CA!

Yesterday (Dec 30) we went to the City, dropped by the LHS, and I picked up the 2 decoders they had said they would mail out last Tuesday but didn’t (most probably - as the invoice couldn’t be found anywhere - my guess is that hey did mail it, but with all 3 copies of the paper trail!) Anyway, I was able to just about 1/2 pay for them with a LHS Gift Cert Kris gave me for my Bd.[tup] If they do show up in the mail, all I have to do is take them back when I’m next in (“We’ll save you the postage by doing that”) and pay the rest in monthly bites! Great place to do business, and they are anxious to cut down on their regulars going internet shopping! After that it was an excellent lamb curry we hadn’t tried before at our fav. Indian Restaurant - then a quick drive across town to the cinema showing “The King’s Speech”. Folks, if you get the chance, see this movie!

Today has been totally sunny, and up to 4C - ideal for cleaning the chimney. Days like that don’t come twice, so that was my afternoon. Brought in more wood tot he porch once the fire was alight again,and refilled a bird feeder.

I’ve decided to replace the legs on the smaller of the two silos - they were just too warped from the Plaststuct Plastic Weld where the cross braces attached. I’m using ACC this time around,and am hoping it will not rot the legs. Incidentally, while Googling to see that I had ACC right, I came across this, which may well be the last tip of 2010, or the first of 2011 in the Diner - depends when you read it I guess.[:-,] It’s from the Altas RR Forum.


Time for a celebration! [<:o)]

Only problem is we were in Sacramento Ca the month of Dec. so we didn’t go very far.

lots of [D], [B], [^] and of course lots of blow ticklers [<:o)]


May2011 best your best yet!

{mines starting off with surgery on my back Yippee!!}

Decaf coffee in a UNION PACIFIC mug, please.

I asked my brother in Hong Kong what the future is like and have not heard back from him yet. Just hope there IS a future.[swg]

Cheers! [C):-)] Rob

Well I see we moved to sunny California. We do have a town about 10 miles from me called California.

Here’s a picture of that.

I hope everybody has a good new year!!! I will see/chat with y’all in 2011.

Evening guys.

Well, this will likely be my last post of 2010. Hope you guys all had a great 2010, and will have an even greater 2011.

I’m gonna follow DerJohn and post a train shot in the snow:

Just as NJT 4104 leaves Netcong and heads away into the snowstorm, we leave 2010 and head into 2011

Hey folks, jsut poking in to wish everyone a GREAT 2011!

Well I figured it’s about time I joined in all the fun. I made my move to the Baltimore area in November and have been without my layout since. I had to tear it down when I left Arizona so everything is in boxes here. My move was very swift and did not know the area well but I am satisfied with the area I am in, just the house is too small. It has a 2 story garage but I really don’t want to put my layout in the garage, it’s just too cold. So next year at this time I will hopefully be in a house that has a basement so I can get back to building. Meanwhile I visited MB klein and found a nice DPM gold kit to occupy my time for the winter months. I have been just reading the forum for the last couple of months kinda like in a no layout depression. I have been thinking of building modules next time so a move won’t mean total destruction.

Anyway I hope everyone had a great holiday season and a healthy 2011.


Last post of 2010! This has been by far my most enjoyable year in the hobby. I left for most of 2009 and came back around this time so good luck to all and maybe 2011 will bring about the time when I finish laying all…most, some… or any track at all on the layout, Got lots of work to do this year. Happy New Years to all! And what about that Notre Dame vs Miami game today, WOW GO IRISH!!![tup][swg][(-D][yeah]

Glass of grape juice thank you. I’ve had my two beers for the day. (doctors orders you know),

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. It’s not that time here yet, but I doubt I’ll see it. Had a very busy night at w**k.

I’d like to echo what Johnboy said. Of all the things I’m grateful for last year, I’m grateful to be associated with all you fine folks. Odd I would consider each and every one of you a friend having not met but one of you. It is a shame Johnboy, that schedules and (mainly) money does keep us from having a yearly gathering. I echo your wish because I do think that would be an absolute BLAST! Each year pick a persons town to visit and check out their layout, partial layout, place for the future layout, plans for a layout, or…favorite restaurant. But alas reality keeps that from happening. Too bad. I do think it would be grand.

Anyway, just wanted to raise my glass of juice to you all say thanks for a great one and wish you prosperity and above all health, happiness and love in the coming year. [<:o)] [{] [}]

New Years resolution? … Tomorrow.

Good night all. Prayers For Those In Need.


Hope you all have a great 2011, better than 2010. Hopefully the year will be full of good health, getting and holding onto prosperous jobs, and tons of fun with trains!

Good Morning ! from Tipton IN.



I hope you all have a good year !

Happy New Year!

Welcome Aboard Joe

Welcome back UPTEEN

I’ll check the springs on the car, you know those earthquakes around here could knock over a cup of coffee or toss a pie into the air….


The young folks have packed up and are gone - now I have access to my computer again. Just stopped by to wish cousin Vinnie and the girls and all patrons of this wonderful place a happy new year - may it bring us all a little closer to our dreams!

We are having an invitation for dinner tonight - I hope, the road conditions allow us to drive those 22 miles.


Good morning…

We be all dull dull dull with fog and rainy bits today…

I would like to say thank you for the prayers and support we received about my health and that of my friend…it has been an…ern…‘interesting’…yeah that’s it…year for us and we did learn several new things about one’s health…

May you all have good health and all that here…[angel][angel]

Flo, I’ll have a coffee and a toast with jam please…I’ll be at the RC for a bit…[:-^]

Good RAINY morning.

Ahh a new year. Hopefully this one is better for everybody. Of course each year has it ups and downs [X-)].

Not much planned for me today. Maybe do some clothes, and go over to Jessica’s grandmothers for lunch. Can’t do much when the chance of rain is 100% !!!

Morning Folks

Made it through another Year.

Most would think I glad last year is over, but in some respect it was not that bad. Getting fired from Mattress Giant was the best thing that happened to me. I sure could not make it working there only clearing $362.00 every 2 weeks after medical insurances and taxes. Plus I did get some home improvement done around the house.

I all so learned I could do more than I thought when it comes to wood working, something I felt totally deficient in.

I have a somewhat positive feeling moving into 2011.

See you all later after I am a little more awake.


Good Morning All!

Happy New Year! [<:o)]

Not much to report from the land of Buckeyes on this rainy New Years Day.2010 is now history and 2011 begins and what 2011 may hold is anybodies guess.I hope Slate Creek is built before 2012 and “dooms day” gets here…How many times have I heard the world is going to end by such and such date?To many to recall.

No modeling yesterday and nothing big planned for today other then I going to BBQ some chicken in the oven,whip up some baked beans ,coleslaw and biscuits…

I shall have a cup and look over the forum.

Have a good’un!