Elliot's Trackside Diner APRIL 2013!!


The Old diner is here:



Morning coffee in the diner…


Today is APRIL 1st, 2013!!!

April Fool’s Day!!!


APRIL FOOLS!!!###### ###### The diner is ALL spiffed up and ready for use!###### Here are some interesting facts about April Fool’s day:

APRIL FOOL’S DAY, sometimes called All Fools’ Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.

New Year’s Moves:

Ancient Cultures, including those of the Romans andHindus, celebrated New Year’s Day on or around April 1. It closely follows the Vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year.

In 1582,POPE Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year’s Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. That year, France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year’s day to Jan. 1. According to a popular explanation, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1. Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on "fool’s

“Good Morning!” from Tipton IN

Monday, April 1, 2013




Top O’ The mornin’ to ye, BILL!

That is some steamy coffee you got there! Should make the cold coffee complainers happy.

Dunno where we are yet. Maybe somewhere NORTH as it will be warming up as Spring SHOULD come {though some of us are now wondering}. I think we just now parked at the Strasburg RR siding awaiting “further instructions”.

Have a GREAT day!

The prayer candles are lit for those in need, and one extra for ULRICH, I wish we’d hear form him. I don’t think Petra speaks good English if at all, and doesn’t know how to contact us here. I hope nothing serious has happened to him. If it has, we may never know. [:'(]


I am here too guys. Hope y’all had a good Easter!
I sure hope Ulrich is alright, I am worried too.

Good Morning All… Darn cold!

I don’t think any amount of coffee or other liquid will help me this a.m. [xx(]

But top me up anyway thank you!

Garry: The MESS is now a bigger MESS! Started the expansion last month with an additional 50’ of track as the main line is now two main lines, which come together for 1/2 their lengths (60’ x 2) to make a doubled main line. with minimum 30" curves so I can run my 2-10-4’s (2 CPR Selkirks and a CV Texas). Definitely a retirement project in the making!

Phil: unfortunately I ran out of time and never got a hold of Teffy. When you call him you KNOW you’re in for a very long call! Mine usually go for up to 2 hrs!!! I’ll definitely call him this month off.

Howmus: Let’s see now… 120 Ton Steam Wrecking Crane (just need to add grab rails and decals), Boom Car and 40’ bulkhead pulpwood flat car x 2. Also brought along a Walthers undecorated Dynamometer car, 3 40’ panel side hoppers by Accurail (CN, CV, GTW) and a Trainman Boxcar.

The MESS will be getting additional sidings/staging yard once the main line is up and running! Cuz I need them desperately!!!

Anyway Have a good day


Good Morning!!!

Coffee and……ya know, just coffee today please. Thanks.

A slight chance of snow showers before 7am, then a chance for flurries before ending. Mostly sunny, with a high near 43.[:^)] I uh…. I think the sn*w flurries is the NWS’s April Fool’s joke. It’s already 36°.

See, that’s why I stopped doing April Fool’s on April 1st a long time ago. People expect and are very suspicious today. I celebrated last Thursday….no one expected. BaaaZIIIING Jack!. That’s what I’m talkin bout. Got ever one of ‘em[Y].

Easter went well here. Went out to eat just as Brenda predicted, and rather surely stated to several people at Church. In fact, some people knew about it before I did. Went to the Longhorn Steakhouse, which is kind of a fancy Lonestar if you have one of those. Prices are a bit higher but not a whole lot more. Or than say Texas Roadhouse.

Today I must of course do the deposits and such for the Church, then a few odds and ends, then I must get to the store for nothing more than coffee. Walmart was closed yesterday, at least when we were in town. I was actually glad to see that. We made the last pots worth this morning and oh my gosh if we don’t have coffee for tomorrow…, I’ll just have to cower in a corner somewhere until Brenda leaves for w**k and hope the guys there stay away from her until she gets that first couple cups down. Survive. I tell you what, she don’t get her morning coffee, she can be like a torqued off Bengal Tiger.

Starting the list of outside things to do. I figure I’ll never get the stuff done at my pace. Does the world not realize…I’m retired?

Kinda hoping to hear from Ulrich by now….I know Petra doesn’t speak English, but there are several people here who speak enough German to figure out what she’s saying. If not, I bet someone out in the forums w

Good Morning…

Back to winter here…high…30F…sigh…oh…and little tiny snow flurries…yay…boooohiss…

Off to get some church stuff done here as well…monthly budget meeting for work as well…yeeesh…

Have a good day!!!

Morning gang!! [C):-)]

Morning Flo, Coffee and Blueberry pancakes please! [;)]

Gorgeous spring day here. Temps in the mid 40’s when SWMBO left, going for a high of 62. Yes! Spring has sprung! Gonna trim out the bedroom paint this a.m. Move the truck out of the garage, pull the big Deere out, hose out the garage and wash the winter off of my car this afternoon!

Hope everybody has a good one, and I hope we hear from Ulrich soon! Even if it is in German, Ich spreche eine kleine Deutche. (I speak a little German)[;)]


Hope everyone has a good day.

Gary, I agree with the NK situation. Japan learned the hard way back during WW2.

Good morning.

Not much going on except for doing some errands today. May get some more work done on the Me Bf 109G-10, and may get the P-38 ready for a second coat of paint.

Don`t forget …on this day the following railroads died

Reading Co.

Lehigh Valley

Central RR of New Jersey

Lehigh & Hudson River

Erie Lackawanna

Penn Central <------- maybe a good thing there.

And what was born on this day?..well Conrail.


college class today, anthropology! it’s a lecture class, this will be an easy quarter.

I don`t think North Korea is much of a threat…


Morning Folks

Flo, Diet Dew and where are we? [:-^] Or is that are April Fools Gag?

Speaking of April Fool’s, SSI sent Sue $315.00 this month, that should have not happened! With the way my paydays fell last month I made well over the limit of what I could make and Sue still receive her SSI payment. I am sure she is going to hear about that!

Ulrich Does anyone here write German? I have Ulrich home address if someone here wants to send Petra a letter!

Ulrich has disappear from the dinner before, it was last year and he was really down in the dumps. Let’s just hope that is all it is!

See you all latter, Ken

Coffee in a SUNNY SOUTHERN mug, please.

Hired hands just got the last of the (N) shelf layout removed from the walls in the Train Room. Next on the list (for me) will be remove a few nailed on boards (into studs) from the wall, some sheetrock patching and cleaning up the floor, then I can start planning the new tables. Will also need to raise the old layout and attach some leg extensions. That part will be interesting.[^o)]

OK, off to get more chainsaw gas and farm supplies. Have a good day all.

Cheers! [C):-)] Rob

Mornin’ everyone!

Zoe just another cup of the dark roast coffee please. Been raiding the chocolate supply already this morning…

Galaxy, I want you to know I searched all over the place, North East, North West, Canada, and several other places only to find the diner still sits on the same siding as last month. What’s going on here?

Dennis I can’t help but wonder if Mr. Un there is the same guy as that pop singer/dancer fellow… You know Gang Man or something like that? They sure look alike.

Today here in the Finger Lakes it appears to be changeable. We have rain, snow, clouds, wind, sun, sleet, higher wind, large snowflakes, small snowflakes, and other stuff… Currently 35°F with a high later in the day…

Have to run downtown to do a couple quick errands before noon. Better leave before the weather changes again!



Morning All,

Currently 39 with an expected high of 62 under mostly cloudy skies, with a chance of rain.

Closing shift today so after a little housewk, I will try and wk on the layout before heading off to w**k.

Prayers to all in need.
