Elliot's Trackside Diner..DECEMBER, 2013!!!

Hello, and WELCOME!!!

[color=blue] Today is Sunday,## December 1st, 2013!!! [/color]


Hello again,

the old diner is here:


Hopefully people have found their way here!


Where are we, you ask?

Did you ask where we are?

Where are we, why silly, we are [color=red] “Home for [/color] [color=green] the Holidays” [/color]### [8] For the holidays, You can’t beat home sweet home! [8]

So, we are in each and every one of your own{'s} backyard!!! Just like Santa, we make the rounds for the month and land in every one’s backyard when you post! SO all you have to do is trudge out your back door {maybe through some sn*w or rain} to get to the diner car! Inside is nicely climate controlled. Santa in the corner and the waitstaff in cute little red and green outfits with a Santa hat on top!



I forgot to answer you about the computer stuff you post.

just like for me, It appears I don’t have many followers, either with the limmericks or strange words.

Here’s my take on yours: I’d rather be able to PLAY the game, not knowing much about it, than to have it all spelled out for me like you show it. I used to thoroughly enjoy the MS game of ADVENTURE when it first came out! Second, I am so beyond those old days of such games, I don’t find it catching my attention. Mind you, I don’t have a PS 1 2 or 3, 4 or whatever number they are on, or a WEE WEE or such, so I don’t even play the new video games…

So, I DO read them unless in a hurry, but the “fun” is taken out for me…I know the designer [tup] [yeah]

SO post if you like. Don’t post if you don’t.

ANd lets see if anybody missed the limmerick this morning!!


Good Morning Folks!

December 1st! What happened to this year? It has just started and is already nearly gone …

According to the weather guessers, we are enjoying the last few days without that wet n´white stuff. They are expecting lots of that to come by mid of next week. Right now, there is no sign of it, temperatures are at 40F, with the odd spell of rain.

Galaxy said we are “Home for Christmas” this month. I wonder where that is in my case. My family is pretty much torn apart. We even have not seen our son for quite a few months. As you all know, Petra and I live in a place we had to move to - not by own choice. We even live in a country we don´t want to live anylonger, but seem to be tied to. “Home” is where my dreams are, and they are not in this country.

Galaxy - no PM has arrived at this end of the Big Pond.

Have a good first Sunday of Advent!

Evening All, A chilled pineapple juice for me please, Chloe.

Afraid It will be on with the sunglasses, t shirt and shorts for me…

And where’s the limerick Mr. G [?] It usually sends me off to bed with a [:)] on my face.

Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.

Cheers, the Bear.

[color=purple] There was a man from the Land of Zea,### Who said “please, a limerick for me…”### so on that note,### this is what I wrote### for that man across the sea! [/color]


Ulrich: I have lived in 4 different states. I am currently where I grew up and my father remains. A depressed area, but a relatively stable area. It seems to call to many to “come home” when their lives elsewhere fade, so they return here. I was not born here.

Neither was MOH born here… MOH’s USA relatives are neither here either. MAny Of MOH’s german relatives have either passed on or were by marriage and no longer connect with this side of the family, so lost contact has taken place there.

I am not close to my relatives, who are also scattered from where we were born also.

MOH is attached to certain buildings, particularly those in Germany where Omi lived, but not so much anymore I guess. I am not, nor have have I ever really been attached to buildings. I would like my fahter house when he passes, but only cause it is a nice one level house, but I am no way attached to it.

In short, I look at home as a place you lay your head at night on a regular basis. That is actually the definition for “home” over here as far as the gov’t is concerned…that is “where do you lay your head at night and sleep?”

ANd no, I didn’t think the PM went through. They seem to not be going through lately. Well, maybe later I will try, nothing URGENT. Just an idea. Even Jeffrey’s are not working

Morning guys.

Im just sitting here going over my list of detail itmes I will need for certain scenes on the model railroad. Trying to figure out what can be made and what will have to be purchased.

It was exactly 10 years ago today my wife was diagnosed with leukemia…

Mornin’ everyone!

Zoe, just a bowl of hot oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar to go with my dark roast coffee this morning.

A happy first day of Advent to0 those who celebrate. I will likely at least pull out the Christmas Decorations for the windows sometime this afternoon in between painting the door and window for the front side of the Blacksmith’s Shop.

Home… My favorite definition comes from Robert Frost, my favorite poet.

‘Home is the place where, when you have to go there,
They have to take you in.’

My second favorite is by Robert Louis Stevenson:

<em><strong>"Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?
Hunger my driver, I go where I must.
Cold blows the winter wind over hill and heather;
Thick drives the rain, and my roof is in the dust.
Loved of wise men was the shade of my roof-tree.
The true word of welcome was spoken in the door --
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no</strong></em> **more."**

Have a great day!


The ‘clues’ I show onscreen are mostly the absolute worst or absolute best of what could happen, not what will likely happen. What happens in the final version will be quite different. This version is what I call a hash-out where I go through and correct the errors in the program and DOS coding. And yes, I did miss the limerick right off this morning and I was looking for it. I enjoy reading them even if some are repeats.

With responses like this on this and several other forums I go to I’ve decided to continue the posting of the computer related photos. Besides that means more train/layout photos too.

Good morning. It’s 53° with 73% humidity. The high will be 68° with lots of clouds.

Today I intend to get some debugging work done on Oliver’s adventure. I had found several bugs in the program and DOS coding yesterday and had corrected them in the program listing but hadn’t yet saved the corrected version. My niece was working outside hanging Christmas lights and managed to pop the breaker my //e is on. Needless to say I lost the corrections and have to go back through and make them again. Relatives. Gotta love 'em. She does that again and she’ll be getting a bundle of willow switches for Christmas.

In other news I accidentally knocked one of my Varney/Athearn F3’s off the top of my internet computer this morning. It hit the tabletop, bounced over onto a wood file cabinet then fell some more and hit the long foot of the left leg (metal) of the computer table before coming to rest on the carpet. The front worm clip was knocked loose and the motor was knocked partially out of the mounts. Nothing I can’t fix in ten minutes.

Time to get on with the day.

Home for the holidays.

I’ve lived in this house for 33 years now, half my life. Other than a short time after college, I’ve been in the Boston area since I was a freshman at college. Long Island, NY, where I grew up, would seem like a foreign place to me now. I’d like to stay after I retire, too, but the taxes here are not something a retiree can afford, so we’ll be relocating. That’s all right. We don’t need a large house (just a large basement!) and it will be better to let a family with children live in this one and take advantage of the schools.

I’ve lost track of most of my relatives, too. My father was one of 12, and my Mom was one of 5, but there weren’t many in my generation, and even fewer in the next, so by and large the line is slowly passing into history. When our daughter was born, she was the first with our surname since my sister, 41 years earlier. And, unless she gives her child our name instead of changing to a future husband’s name, she will be the last.

But, right now it’s raining, and just about freezing, so I’m not going to be driving all over for the Tour de Chooch today. I think I’ll back one of the cars out and spray paint in the garage, and then later watch football while doing small painting and assembly jobs on the coffee table.

Yep me too MrB

The weather here is cold and rainy. I will dive into some painting later on myself. Cleaned up some clutter this morning around the layout too. I will have the football game on in the background.

We bought our house 41 years ago. My, that’s a long time. I’m not attached to to it as much as my wife is. But then, she gets attached to furniture. Go figure, I just say “Yes Dear” and go on.

Noticed this morning that the outside Christmas lights were still on, so I guess the timer might be going bad. It checked out okay when I worked it manually, so I reset it and will watch it for awhile.

We also drove to the other side of town on a whim this morning, and found a nice spot to watch CSX. Not as much traffic on their line as there is on Norfolk Southern, but they are planning a new intermodal yard right outside Pittsburgh, so that might bump up traffic some. At least I hope so.

I’m planning on getting our Christmas shopping done this week. It’s a lot easier than it use to be. The great nephews and nieces get cash, which they all seem to like. The adults only exchange a Secret Santa gift, and everyone must provide a wish list with sizes. Makes it easy. I’ll get the wife some clothes and a big gift card at Barnes & Noble. She can’t read much anymore, so audio books are one of her favorite activities these days.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Stay safe.

Calling it a day.

I am feeling pretty miserable today.

Aw, cheer up, Ulrich!

MOH claims depression has set in over not having MIL for Christmas…its the first one without her. I am trying to play up some holiday cheer with fonder memories than not. Maybe it will help. It was such a blessing when my mother passed, that the first {or after} Christmases were fine for me. I do miss her at times and sometimes I think I over-burdon my father with my presence, but He seems to enjoy it!

I think I do the bedding today. Time for that. AND bring out the Micro fleece sheets! Warm! If you need warm sheets, get yourself and the sig. other warm Microfleece sheets! Of course, now we will be 45*F the next few days. It says so on the weather forecast. I have a thick microfleece blanket that is warm adn toasty too! I sometimes have to throw it off me to cool down as I roast under it. The microfleece bounces your heat back at you. no electricity needed!

My friend thinks he will have fun cruising the country side with a trucker friend…Now watch them stay in the colder zones! He thinks they will travel warmer zones, even those have ice and inclemate weather!

I AM being BOMBARDED by ads and such for Cyber deals!! ARGH! Actually somethings look like nice prices! I am tempted, bu the way my AOL is stalling…

I oredered some CHristmas stuff from Hawaii, {didn’t see that coming, did you?} , Usually because of the time difference, I can order in the early AM here {like 5 AM} and by midnight my time or earlier they have shipped it out same day! But now tomorrow will be a whole week without one peep from them except for order confirmation. Naturally on Hawaii day time weekdays only I have to wait til about 2pm tomorrow to call and say “hey, whats up?” Would rather go pick up Hawaii stuff in person! Maybe next year sigh

Well, off to better things…

Italian roast coffee in an UNDECORATED mug, please.

***Jeffrey, more terrific RR pics I see.[tup]

I am quite content living on my farm here in north Georgia. My relatives are scattered all over the country with one brother as far away as Hong Kong.

Need to work on cutting more firewood. Not a winter person but at least most are generally mild here.

Cheers! [C):-)] Rob

Good afternoon, Flo - I’ll have a BLT, cheesey fries, and a RBF, please. Thanks!

Galaxy, I noticed your ‘missing limerick’ (or absence thereof…) when I got to the new Diner today. I do at times stretch my mental muscles a bit, ‘saying’ the limerick (in my mind). But perhaps that has more to do with when I first really heard many limericks (in college), which usually was accompanied with the intake of alcoholic beverages… [:-^]

Ulrich - lovely photo in your post today! [tup] And I would go with the quote about “Home is where the heart is”, which is somewhat related to Ray’s first ‘definition’.

My thoughts go to all those who have lost loved ones near this time of year. Harder for those left behind, and we will be keeping you in thoughts and [angel][angel].

I wouldn’t mind a little of that white fluffy stuff on the ground (but haven’t yet heard of any in the near future, not in my neck o’ the woods, at least). I grew up where there was snw around early December/January/etc. (St. Louis area and for a bit, even further north), so I’m okay with driving in the stuff, and I like how things kinda slow the tempo down. Of course, there was the time when I lived way south of here, in a flat land (nope, not the book Flatland…) where they rarely got any snw. It was almost funny to watch the drivers trying to drive like usual on the sn*wy streets. (But when I lived in St. Louis, if school was out due to the white stuff, we’d go looking for an empty mall parking lot, and drive ‘donuts’…[swg]

Jeffrey, I’d agree with Ray’s comments - keep up the old Apple pics-posting! Yesterday when I looked at your last post in the previous Diner, I found myself thinking, “Let’s see, that’s a Disk ][ Drive controller card, and that one must be…” And because I’m sure your story screen pics are only one possibl

Evening guys,

Not much done on the layout today. Just watched football and ran a few trains. Might do some small things here and there later but nothing too big. Hope you guys all have a good night and will ctahc up in the morning.

I have notice that Jeryy hasnt been in for awhile? and has anybody talked to or heard from Sawyer?