Elliot's Trackside Diner FEBRUARY, 2013!


This is the February edition, the OLD edition is here:



Welcome! You are probably wondering where we are?

CAn you tell by the Palm trees??? Huh? Huh?

WE are in HAWAII, as requested, where the colds winds DO NOT BLOW!

There ARE tourist trains in Hawaii!

here’s a Sugar Plantation Train for your viewing to whet your appetite!: {after the ad, and after the model rolls through is the steamer ANAKA of the Lahaina-Kaanapali & Pacific RR}:


There is some history of mostly Sugar Plantation trains in Hawaii’s past to transport SUGAR/ CANES around. Now they have had some tourist trains running on based on the old lines!!!

AND, as the New York TImes published on January 3rd, 2012,there may, indeed, be begining constrution on a railroad to run around Honolulu and Waikiki and to Leahe, {also known as Diamondhead, the volcano backdrop to Waikiki}!!! They can only hope as the H-interstate highways around Honolulu to outlying areas are crammed! {I can attest to that with a speed limit of 55 you can sometimes be lucky to do 30!} This project was was started In 2007, when a project was initiated for a new Light Rail Transit (elevated metro) line in the Honolulu area.

We will discuss various railroads in the Hawaiian Islands as we move through February!!!


Hello again guys!

Nice video. I remember seeing the train running back in the 80’s. That loco was originally an 0-4-0T.

Back to Hawaii. I was stationed at Pearl for 14 years (1981-1995) while in the US Navy. I left there in 1995 when I retired. Unfortunately it was before I ws really interested in actual or modeling trains[:$]

Hey guys,

Hope I’m doing this right its been a while. I need help in finding a HO RTR Sante Fe Station [ATH95931] . Anyone know where one is and how much? Been busy getting my degree and am now a sophomore. Hope you are all well and doing great.

Trent Bair

It’s been a long day. Wind yesterday hauled my cable down so it’s hanging low over the road. I called Suddenlink about and they said they’d TRY to send someone BEFORE Monday. I hope nobody comes by with a motor home or a high truck before then. Relatives said they’d bring me something to eat from town. That was three hours ago. So far no-show. I’m about to say the heck with it and grab a snack then head for the bed.

Time to call it a night. See y’all sometime tomorrow.

Chamomile tea, please.

***Galaxy, cute little Loco there and a very nice whistle on it as well. Enjoyed seeing the little water tower in action.

Anyone here use DCS and if so, what do you think of it? Been watching vids on youtube and I sure like all the “station sounds” when a passenger train pulls into a station. However, if you can’t run DCC locos with a DCS transformer, then it hardly seems practical.[^o)]

Found the CA. based outlet for those Garratts, so might give them a call next week.[:-^]

Well, exhaustion is setting in, so Good Night All.[S]

[C):-)] Rob

The DCS commander allows you to link a DCC system into it. http://www.mthtrains.com/ho/ho-commander

Wow Wee … We’re in Maui!

Hey, Jeff… Looks like a colorful 0-4-0 escaped Sundown Shops without patching for L&A and without weathering! [:-^]

Curt … We had a prblem with Shelley’s car not starting last year, and we needed to replace an expensive computer. I hoope yours is a minor problem.

.Trent … Good to see you. Don’t know where you can find what you are looking for.

Todd … Thanks for saying you like the humor. Careful, though. Somebody else might not agree. [:-^]


woot! they have grifball on halo 4 :smiley: yeah!!! anywho not much done on the MRRing front other than reading my MRR issue that came today. well with no layout or desire to run trains on the floor I shall devote my time to reading it.

Good Morning! from Tipton IN.

Friday, February 1, 2013




Morning coffee and pineapple-Macadamia nut muffins in the diner…

Good Morning!!!

Today is Friday, February 1st, 2013!!!

Oh Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!

The prayer candles are lit for those in need

make it a great day!


Evening All, A banana milkshake please.

blownout cylinder The Bear: I wish I could send you some of this rain we have here…

It would be much appreciated [Y], Hope the visit to the Doc goes well. [angel]

Todd. Bear- I thought Australia and New Zealand were like neighbors. You have pretty much the same accent so figured you’re only like 20 miles or so apart.

Pretty much the same accent ??? I’ll excuse you Todd, but to me Aussies talk funny. [(-D]

Regarding the distance, admittedly while he was young at the time, I have a English relation who thought that it was possible for New Zealanders to walk over to Australia at low tide. [sigh]

My sister lived and worked in South Carolina for six months in the mid 80s and had to resort to carrying a pocket atlas because it was easier to show rather than explain where she came from, The question that used to make her blood boil, though as a visitor she didn’t let it show, was “well if you come from down there, how come you speak such good American ??” [^o)]

Aloha Hawaii!

The Bear thinks Aussie accents sound odd… New Zealand takes the cake! It’s like a mix of South African and English [swg] Although some uccents are thucker thun uthers. [(-D]

We are friendly neighbours, although we have many sporting rivalries, Cricket, Football (Rugby Union and league) and perhaps the most fierce, netball, Oz and NZ get along well, after all we are the ANZACS. Fighting side by side for many a war under that banner.

It is a bit more than a walk at low tide [:D] There still is a continental shelf!

Good Morning!

We are under a storm warning. Yesterday, we had gusts up to over 100mph. Hamburg has seen a considerable amount of flooding last night:

That area gets flooded frequently, still there are lots of folks not heeding the flood warning, leaving their cars parked in the flood zone.

No good news about my dad. He seems to have given up and is going down rapidly. I am all sad.

Taking of accent - you should here mine! It´s not like Herr von Flick in that infamous TV show “Allo, allo”, but more like the one of Irishman having had one too many. HAven´t spoken the language for years now.

Well, I am out.

Have a good one!

Edit: I see I got tops this morning! Janie, put everyone´s breakfast on my tab, please!

Just found an old film about Hamburg, filmed in 1938. Quite interesting to see. One of the ships shown in the first half is the MV Wilhelm Gustloff, a German cruise liner which was sunk on 30 January 1945 by a Soviet submarine in the Baltic Sea while evacuating German civilians, officials and military personnel from Gotenhafen, occupied Poland, as the Red Army advanced. By one estimate 9,400 people died, which would make it the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in history

Although much (all?) of the port area was destroyed during the Allied air raids, it again looks pretty much like then.




The Islands and some RR history:


Hawaiian railroads’ earliest history is often credited to the Island of Kauai, whose first system opened in 1881 on three miles of narrow-gauge railroad track at the Kilauea Plantation to haul sugar cane. By 1915 the island boasted over 200 miles of track, all of which served several sugar plantations on the island, although by the 1950s most of the island’s railroads were abandoned. Today, Kauai once again has an operating railroad, the 2.5-mile Kauai Plantation Railway, a tourist railroad that operates seven days a week.

Here’s a link:



The Island of Oahu’s railroad history dates back to 1889 when the Oahu Railway & Land Company opened its 12-mile line between Honolulu and Aiea. Over the next roughly 20 years the railroad continued to expand and grow, mostly serving sugar plantations, local industry and hauling

Good Morning!!!

Coffee and two egg….no wait. Order of French Toast with powdered sugar and maple syrup please. Oh yes the real stuff. Thanks.

  • Today Increasing clouds, with a high near 19. Wind chill values between -3 and -13. West northwest wind 9 to 11 mph becoming southwest in the afternoon. Winds could gust as high as 18 mph.
  • Tonight Snow likely, mainly after 9pm. Cloudy, with a low around 18. South southwest wind around 9 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New snow accumulation of 1 to 2 inches possible.

It’s 3° now but Monday, Monday temps will be 40 and pretty much all next week. 38 to 40. Don’t think I’ll worry about the snow.

Ray- I hope the new food helps Manet and I’m glad it was the lesser of two evils.

Galaxy- Thanks for the video! Nifty little train. Oh and thanks for clearing up the railway thing[Y]

Ulrich- 100…[:|]….mph!!! Or Kph. If it’s mph WOW!!! Don’t go outside and stay away from the windows.

Well I’m not even gonna speculate what I’ll end up doing today before w**k tonight. I know there is an incredibly huuuuuge-o-mongus pile of clothes that suddenly showed up in the bathroom and I have no idea where they came from[:S]. Seriously. Where did she have these? There was no pile by her side of the bed and no pile in the bathroom yesterday, but this morning BAM!!! [:O]There it was…is. The door won’t even open fully. I don’t get it. And I don’t get how she can go through THAT many clothes in such a short period of time. It’s…it’s…it’s inhuman. It’s SUPERhuman[alien]. Maybe she’s an alien. To top it all off….her closet is full. No room. No evidence of where these things even CAME from. I recognize them so I know they aren’t new. I just can’t figure some things out. [sigh]Probably be

Todd - it´s 100 mph or 160 kph, Top windspeed measured yesterday was 180kph or about 112mph. I am just glad that our houses are built a little sturdier and there are hardly any billboards around. The storm dumped 40 empty containers onto a truck yesterday, just seconds after the diver had left it.

Right now, it´s pretty calm, but there is more heading towards us.