Since Bergie locked the old one at 68 pages I’ll take it upon myself to open a new one.
Garry wrote: Jeff… It is great that you are back, and I wish you the best as you continue getting better from your latest health problem. It is good of you and quite remarkable that you are willing to give thoughtful advice to others even though you have your own problems.
I don’t see any reason why I should let my medical problems keep others from benefiting from my knowledge and advice. There are others out there who know much more than I do but I don’t see many of them in here sharing with the rest of us.
Same feelings here Jeff. Offering advice and sharing knowledge is what we are all about. What sets this post apart from others is that when one of us doesn’t know or understand something we admit it. Whether it is hobby or life related we all have knowledge or an experience to share with our friends.
As far as terminal illnesses are concerned, the best thing one can do is have a living will. This in no uncertain terms states the level of care one is to receive when a fatal or terminal illness is encountered. Both of my parents had this and it eliminated any questions from doctors and hospitals. The end is difficult to witness, I saw it first hand, but it is better than continued suffering on the part of a loved one from artificial means.
Another southbound UP freight went by along with a northbound at the same time. The north bound looked like a ballast train but they looked like gons but from the 4 th floor it’s hard to tell. The freights here have a nice mix of cars. Back home everything is tankers, or boxcars full of garbage.
Jeez… I fell asleep in the last diner, to find that I had been locked in… Can someone please remember to check all the booths before allowing the powers that be to lock the doors?!? LOL.
I went to Home Despot (as my dad refers to it) and picked up a 2’ x 8’ sheet of Extruded foam and two tubes of foam friendly adhesive along with one tuube of Liquid Nails for Projects! That and I managed to squeeze the 1’ 8" D x 8’ L table into my Hyundai Elantra (It almost didn’t fit, as my front passenger seat is nowhere near as moveable as I thought it should be) So I am going to start building the PaperMill project (with a minor change since I don’t have the extra 4" I would need to complete the plan I had posted in the other diner… I’m hoping to have the foam and cork and track glued down by the middle of next week (I’ll try to take photos with my camera and keep you guys posted on progress) This one is gonna be some fun I can tell, fly by the seat of my pants in one weeks time to get the thing up and running before calss starts in a week and three days!!!
WOW! M y cat just jumped on my keyboard and my puter went crazy… Luckily this post was unaffected! I thought I was going to have to type the thing over again… I had to close another tab, and another window to get back to this page!
Well, I gotta go for now! Wish me luck on the construction phase… (Next I have to see about commandeering some fundage for the “Scenery and Buildings” for the layout!!! hehehehe
Nice to see you back Jeff. How’d the visit go–[swg]
We had to move again? OY, at this rate the next move may take place in about 3 weeks or less!
I did not make it to LHS, I had to do some more office stuff which meant that by the time I was done I had no time to go there–mumble grumble[|(] Oh well, I’ll have a big ol’ bucket of coffee and a burger as well please. I’ll just sit by the window and watch the place fill up----[:-^]
Guess we were crashing the forum again! I was getting the “Ooops” message earlier. Seems this new software has a good look to it on the surface, but it can’t take much hard use.
First, a toast to Jeff for his much anticipated return, AND for having the fortitude to open up a whole new diner. A tip of the fire helmet to ya, Pal!
Here in Clarence, we’re expecting snow. It’s cold. It’s mid-February in Iowa.
Hoping to work on something railroad this weekend, still have school board articles hanging over my head.
Again, welcome back Jeff!!! I’m curious to see what you do to that TasteeFreeze, looks like it needs some serious rehab work.
Just passing through seeing what’s up and all. Not much happening on the MR scene this month as leave was interupted and displaced… Work: a blessed curse but a neccesity none the less. Anyway a cuppa Joe and I’ll sit for a while and wait for the weather to improve.
Evening folks-I haven’t been around in awhile, been “trying” to get caught up on this n that, & it seems in the meantime it seems 2 old diners have been closed up! So I figured I’d better stop in to this one while everything’s still fresh & new.
This has been a rough winter so far, since I changed positions at work-snow & ice removal is part of my job, & since this January was the snowiest here since the mess of '78, you can imagine how I’m feeling. (not a fun feeling to get up at 4:15 AM & see inches of white stuff out there that needs taken care of!)
Update on my Mom, to those that remember. She’s still hanging in there, & has been in a nursing home since November. Her only mobility is her right hand, but she talks fine, has all of her faculties. She very well may get to go home soon, pending approval of her doctor & therapist. (she’ll need a wheelchair ramp built, & quite a bit of in-home help, since my Dad of course, can’t do most of what is needed-he just turned 80, & Mom will turn 80 on Mar.3rd. I find it hard to believe now that when she turned 70, she was still working full time!)
I’ve been trying my best to work on my freight car models, design my track plan for my future layout, & get the basement set up for it, but this winter & work have really bogged me down ambitionwise. I really haven’t been getting done what needs to be done. (I usually go through this about this time every year!)
Well, I best hit it-going to watch an old “Highway Patrol” episode before bed.(I was able to get ahold of a good chunk of taped episodes of this show recently. It’s never been rerun in this area (at least in my lifetime) but I knew of it’s existence since I was a kid, & always wanted to see it. So, I’m off to see what trouble Dan Mathews is going to solve this time!)
Ryan notice it’s All shiny and new and 100% to health code!
Step up guys and have a piece of cherry pie. I just baked one. {had a real hankering for one lately}
Yes, Jeffrey, take it easy. As one with severe asthma who can sometimes get out of breath walking to the mailbox on a cold windy or hot and humid day, I know what it’s like to think you can do more than you really should. At least rest the next few days!
The prayer candle is still lit for those who need thoughts and prayers. ANother will be lit tomorrow.
Robby P. that CSXT car is fantastic…makes me jealous…
Hey! What the heck is going on? I go out to diner, come back home to go to the diner for evening coffee and the track is empty???[|(]
Good thing Jeff is back on duty and left the customary trail of bread crumbs to the newest location. Yeah, I think Kalmbach got taken for a ride with the new software…
Fergie! Long time no see! Glad you could stop by. Chloe, anything Fergie wants tonight here put on Philips tab, OK
My sister and I went to an excellent Mexican restaurant in Canandaigua. She is a friend of the owner and up until recently has been trying to get more people to patronize the place. Well, it must have worked as the last couple times we have gone there it has been packed! every table and booth taken and a line going out the door waiting to be served. The food and service there is great and the prices are not high at all. Her cat (the one that is armed and dangerous) survived her… uhm… procedure at the vets and actually was being quite friendly this evening. Maybe she has just been… uh… anal retentive all this time?[:-^]
I’ll go sit by the wood stove in the back and do some research for the layout.
Evenin’ Everyone. I’ll take the Hot Pork sandwich and um I’ll try the Apple Goodies. Oh and a cup of coffee please and a glass of water thank you.
Colby, Sorry to hear about your Uncle.[angel]
Jeff, Glad you’re back. Take it easy and you’re correct. (referring to Harry Calahan as you previously mentioned) As we get older those words become harder and harder to follow.
Ray, A constipated cat. I’m sorry but I can’t help but chuckle. I feel sorry for you AND of course your little patient.Especially your little patient sadly they don’t understand what’s happening. I just can’t help but feel sorry for an animal suffering in any way. But I still chuckle sometimes when it’s not lifethreatening. Like when the dog got a briar stuck between her tail and…um… her exhaust port shall we say…Oh I have to change the subject I’m starting to more than chuckle.[(-D] Ever see a dog try to pass a Peach pit?[(-D] Oooohh hahahahah! Not funny! keep telling myself…NOT Funny! How would you like it if it was you?..that’s not funny. [|(]
OW!!! My nose! Bergie just slammed the door in my face. OK, so not really. I was trying to sneak back in.[:-^]
Eric, I second your words on a Living Will. My wifes Father did not have one and OH MAN, luckily we didn’t have to go through that with my Father and it won’t be that way with my Mother.
Jeff, I like the Ice cream stand and that house looks exactly like the mirror of the house my grandfather built when he retired from farming. (larger of course). And a very wise statement you made. You’ll always get the curve balls, it’s how you handle 'em that makes the difference.
O.K. I did a whole lot of nothing today. Put down a bit of ground foam around the pool area of the old motel. You know, judging by a thread elsewhere in this forum I think almost everyone has, or at least has had, a Plasticville Motel. Then spent a bit of time starting on the scratch build of the brewery.
No, no, not my cat… My sister’s cat. No way do I feel sorry for that obnoxious little ball of fur. She has one of the meanest personalities in the cat world…[}:)] (And the cat is even worse!) Actually I will be taking care of the cat while my sister is in Guacamole, Guantanimo,… Guatemala. That’s the place, Guatemala. I am very, very glad my sister got to take the little feline hair ball to the vets. I don’t have thick enough leather gloves to protect me when I would have to put her in the cat carrier!
I’ve been in the back room watching some shows the DVR caught while I was holding down one of the hospitals beds. I’ve watched a Trains and Locomotives show, a Trains Unlimited episode (Built for speed’ and a show from the Reality channel called ‘Train Wrecks’. There are more but I’ll watch them later. I’m recording them on a VCR as I watch them so I can go back and delete them from the DVR to make room for other shows.
News: swimming ended. I’m sad, but I have time for the important things now. Sleep (drastically behind) AND TRAINS.
Mark: Brain cancer: I’m sorry to hear that. If it gives you any hope, my Grandpa was given a similar sentence to a similar cancer type thingy (scientific term yeah, thats it) 1 to 2 months. He went I believe 12 years. maybe less, possibly more. He passed several years ago. When it sets in, he may go into a state of dymentia. Be ready for thatm and take notes of what he knows of the past now. Prayers to him.
Sawer: There’s no such thing as a Good Monday. "Good Mondays are mondays that are building strength to corrupt the rest of the week. Tuesday becomes the next monday, and suddenly no weekday can be itself. Friday becomes lost in the chaos.