My internet isn’'t working here again I see—attempt #3 coming right up—
That is some list there—btdt—it keeps coming right up ------ right now I have ANOTHER switch that won’t switch–unless one gores through great big hoohaw to get it working-----I might just rip it out and make my own----[:-,]
As stated my issue is with a switch that I bought recently at a LHS here in town—it seems that it will only work when it wants to-----[|(] ---- hence operation session last night was one of fix and repair—I had a ATLAS RS2 take a header onto the floor when one of the neighbourhood kids we have down was running the main and it went off the main through the switch—that was supposed to have been straight through-----but wasn’t-----[|(]-----poor kid stood there in shock wondering what happened.
Chloe, I’ll just have a coffee and a cranberry muffin----[:)]–think I’ll go sit at the window booth and watch the morning switching—[:D]
Have a plumber coming today to service the H2O heater. It burns orange instead of blue like it should. It’s also aobut 8 years old, so sediment is building up and needs to be blown out.NYSEG {New York State Electric and Gas} was out when our CO alarm kept going off. Maybe it needed new batteries but after the new batteries it still would go off. SO we called NYSEG to look-see. He warned the H2o heater wasn’t firing right.
We had a plumber out yesterday who wanted to red tag it and claimed it didn’t belong in a mobile home application AND it would cost more than $1500 {cough cough, choke} for a “proper one for Mobile Home application”!!! We refused to sign the red tag order and promptly called another plumber we will see what THEY have to say and How much they charge to put in new H2O heater. IF it is needed. If NYSEG didn’t red-flag it why would a plumber think he could? Like any other business, plumbing/heating is a racket as well!
So then later we have cable guy coming later today to re-install Road Runner internet. A friend gave us the gift of cable but since his business paid for it it had to go business class. well the contract is now up and his gift is over,so we have to have home installation installed now. You would think with this high tech equipment they could just “flip a switch” and change the billing mode, but NO<> they have to take out old working hardware and reinstall new working hardware!!! WOrst part is I have seen them {in the past} come in to “connect” my new cable at a new apartment to me, where they show up see the old connection from previous tenants still in place, write a line or two on a sheet, have me pay him installation charges and DO NOTHING else! WE shall see. The home installation for us to now pay is cheaper than the business charges he was paying as the gift for three years. SO we get a bargain by what he paid. 1/2 the price.
Morning , Almost didn’t stop in this morn but realized I needed to say HAPPY 1st of July! Only comes once a year and signifies the beginning of a new month and one that starts with a “J” at that. As in "J"apanese Beetle. And one of only three that start with that letter. Makes it kinda unique. Worthy of a whoo hoo! if you ask me.
Aaaand I guess to our friends and great neighbors to our north, a hearty HAPPY CANADA DAY is in order.
Ulrich- Sorry to hear of your little mishap.
DerJohn- Hehehe, I always get a kick out of folks here and abroad, including our eeeelected o-fish-e-uls, refer to the United States as America.(not a bad thing at all by the way) Or should I say America as the United States. “We’ve got to keep Americans working!” I suppose we are with factories in Canada and Mexico. “the American President” But, many of us also call East Asians Oriental. Only fair I suppose. Much of our soybeans comes from here in America too if you don’t distinguish between North and South. I should have been a politician.
Jeff- I don’t know how the pedal setup is configured on a Yardman, but could you attach a bar to the pedal assembly sticking up along side the pedals (may require a wee bit of a slot cut into the foot board for clearance of desired material to use as a lever) so you could use your hands to pivot it fronterds and backerds?
By the way I like the way the diner got scrubbed down and up before the move. Looks great. I saved the picture so I will remember what it looks like if… Well we won’t think about a wild 4th of July. We’re too mature for that. Riiiiiight Jim? Right? Jim?
Zoe I’ll have a short stack of blueberry pancakes with some Canadian Maple Syrup this morning ( Happy Canada Day to all you good folks up North!) and a cup of dark roast coffee in a FGLK Mug! I’ll go sit in the front booth with Barry and see what he is looking at…
Got out of bed bright and early this morning (about 9:30), ate a quick breakfast (as I did a couple old crossword puzzles from the newspaper), took a quick shower for the last hour (including actually getting dressed), and I am now ready to face all the things I need to get done today…[:-^]
Lets see. finish lawn, complete trimming around tents at camp, get materials together to finish Railroading MB with Some Scouts from Troop 1, finish trailer, finish turnout… I can’t wait to see how many of these “to do’s” are left undone by the end of the day!
I think I better get moving or most won’t be accomplished!
***Der, wife & I are both looking forward to it. Guess I had better start figuring out the main building part soon. Should have everything needed for that, as it is a much more simple thing than what you’re tackling for us. And thanks for the paint tips, as our local $ store always has a bunch of super cheap paints.
***Hoople, that’s enough to cause me to once more re-think adding DCC to half my layout. (I’ll never give up DC completely)
***Barry, bummer about the RS2…ouch! Good luck with the switch issue, too. On the bright side, at least you are able to run some trains.
***Galaxy, hope you get everything squared away without paying an arm & a leg.
***Ray, have fun with that list of To Do’s. Bet you do it all with a big ol’ smile on your face, too.[:D]
The new plumber came out,s erviced the H2O heater and flushed the sediment out and thought it was in good shape after he adjusted it…not a $1500.00 new one needed {cough cough, choke choke}. I knew it! I also had him finally repair the faucet in the bathroom so now we have HOT and cold water there again without leakage of hot water and natural gas used up to heat leaking hot water. Came to $165. Can live with that! and he was a nice young man. I swear we are getting older as even Dr.s these days look to us to be a “nice YOUNG man”. YOu know you’re getting older when you think the repair man looks like Opie Taylor!
Be careful! EVERYTIME I think that, something else more expensive comes up!!
Hoople welcome back. Trains can be fussy if neglected and not stored properly. Try a thorough cleaning and see what happens. Hope you don;t have to throw them out and start all over!
Good noon everyone… Haha, it’s actually 12:00 on the spot.
Anyways, thanks for all of the welcome backs. Seems like there are a lot of the familiar friendly faces in here still, despite moving probably 12 times in the past year.
GMTRacing: The drumkit is fine shape. Except for my nicer snare, the strainer is broken so it’s useless, but I do have 2, so I’m alright with that. I’ve also started playing guitar as well since the last time I was in… Well I think I do remember posting about that but I’m not sure. I got an Epiphone SG, sounds pretty nice but the quality isn’t. The output jack has broken and is now taped, the nut is almost worn off at the low E string…
Thanks for everyone’s prayers for Mrs. Novellino and her family. Her ex-husband was found in a motel about a week ago in Washington State; the guy at the front desk recgonized him and the car. He’s being held on $2M bail.
I’m hoping they’ll give him the death penalty, even though I know it’s not happenning.
But I’m so glad they found him!
I ordered a Walthers heavyweight ($50, on sale for $15) and a two pack of Gold Line Airslide hoppers ($40, on sale for $30).
And still PATIENTLY (ok, THAT was a lie…) waiting for the Atlas Gensets… They STILL haven’t shipped!
Well, I guess that’s all that’s new here. Catch ya guys later!
Galaxy, [tup] Hope you kept the phone # for the second guy!
Joe, glad they caught the guy! Also hope there is some justice for the family…
Heard a rumor yesterday out at camp. It was confirmed in tonight’s local paper. Front Page even! One of the last old RR Bridges in the area got taken down in a tractor trailer accident yesterday on Rts. 5 & 20 West of Geneva. It was a bridge from the Northern Central Division of the PRR. Story here: BTW The George Leet mentioned in the story was a guitar student of mine about 25 years ago. He is a Teacher in Rochester. His son Jon is an Eagle Scout and was one of my kids at SciTek Camp for a few years. Nice kid! Well, just a nice family actually. The mom is a Methodist Minister in the area.
Tally for the day…
Lawn - finished
Trimming around tents at camp - finished
Get materials together for Troop one MB Visit - finished
Trailer - not going to happen today - tomorrow probably.
Turnout - after Troop meeting I hope…
I had to laugh at your comment about how young the Doctors sometimes look. Back in 1993, I was feeling really strange, so I had my neighbor drive me to the Emergency Room. When he pulled up to the doors, I jumped out and started to go through the sliding doors when my first heart attack hit big time, and down I went. When I awoke sometime later, the first thing I saw and heard was this kid sticking his head through the curtains and asking how I felt. My first thought was “Why are they allowing paper boys in here?” Turned out he was the cardiologist, and a very good one.
My youngest nephew has been a physician for over 12 years now with a growing family, and every time I see him, I can’t believe it as all I see is that little kid with the runny nose who needed his diapers changed.
Rob, sorry about all the missing stuff on your car. Buffing a car isn’t bad once you get the hang of it.
Well, I’ll have the dinner special today. Thanks a bunch. Oh, before I forget, those of you in Illinois, be ready for fresh sweet corn. Might be coming in by next week.
Well Rob the good part is you got the car back and hopefully it runs ok. Also they didn’t weather it for you. We got one back from a body shop so full of dust from sanding that we couldn’t get it all back out. First time we drove it, it left a dust cloud so big they black flagged us thinking the engine was going. J.R.
Robby P. I’d be tempted, oh so tempted, to take it to the media about the repair shop doing {or not doing as the case may be} the repairs on your wife’s car! I resisted saying that earlier, but now…man oh man! 3 months??? and they didn’t even finish the job correctly? get real!
Robby: that body shop sounds about as bad as one up here that we had the “pleasure” of doing business with—2 months to replace a bumper?
welp–got the fireworks ready for tonite—got the vacuuming done in the house—got the cooking out of the way—now it’s RR time—have a good evening peoples—
Well guys the car goes back in October for the buffing, unless we keep finding problems. We have contacted the news people and we will see if they want to do anything.
One good thing is, that the MIL is coming next week and she drives the same year/model Sonata. We will compare and see what is what.
The sad thing is…Allstate told us they are having to fight the body shop for another customers car!!!
Flo I’ll have the Strawberry Pie al la mode and a cup of decaf.
Just got home from Troop 1… These guys are a riot. Great kids to w*rk with if you keep a sense of humor… All the Scouts in the Troop are classified as being handicapped in one way or another. Many are able to understand a concept, but can’t come up with the specific word for it. The requirement we did tonight was to name 4 departments of a railroad. I started by giving them a handout from the MB book listing the usual ones. The MB book lists 10 depts. from Management to Sales, Legal, Finance, public Relations, etc. I went through each one trying to relate it to common things they would already know. Then in groups of 2 they had to list and tell about 4 different departments. BLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBsssss… We got there, just took a while…[(-D]
3 more scouts earned the Merit Badge Tonight. 2 others have 2 items left to do (Yes they have to meet the standards!) I will be visiting the Troop out at camp in a couple weeks, and hope to have time to sit down with a couple of them and possibly finish it up. The best part of the evening is when one of the older Scouts was informing me that trains don’t use cabooses anymore… So I turned to the rest of the scouts and said, “Hey, anyone know where FRED is?” and several replied in unison, “At the back end of the Train!” Does my heart good![:D]
Robby, I would keep my lawyer in the loop on the whole thing with the car… Write down every conversation and date it. Verify everything you can as to what, when, and where. Who said what etc. If there any witnesses to some of the things they have said to you folks, make sure you write down their names.
Barry, careful with those fireworks! Remember, "What doesn’t kill you, makes you ha