Chloe, a cup of hot chocolate would really hit the spot right now.
Hang in there, Ulrich! This too shall pass…
I ran all the errands needing to get done today (that I can think of anyway). Took a load of electronic related items over to 2TRG to be recycled. Stopped and picked up a couple Rx’s at the little Pharmacy at the Medical Group. Stopped at Tops and got some birthday wrapping paper and a bow I forgot to get yesterday when I was there and then filled up the PIP with Petroleum gunk so I will be able to get to the Museum on Sunday and get back home. Sometimes ya just gotta do it… Then I stopped at the Vets and got a case of canned food for the boys.
I was hoping to stop and fill up for gas tomorrow after the granddaughter’s birthday party, but if I charge the PIP out at my son’s house, I really wouldn’t have used any gas. I figured it didn’t make any difference so I best fill up while I was there. First tankful I have put in the car since last January. I had driven 431 miles and it took 6.5 gallons of the crap to fill it up. Had a 50¢/gal. off coupon for gas from Tops, so it ran me all of $22.26 for the month of February. The car said I was getting 71 mpg, but my math says it came out to 65 mpg. I may have filled the car a bit more this time… Probably won’t get as good this month as I will have several trips to Rochester to account for and my sister is going to a friends house (that still lets her come down and mooch) in Georgia for a week to get an early tan, so guess who gets to drive to Canandaigua to take care of the cat(s)…[:-^]
Speaking of cats… Mine are both laying on the couch in the living room grooming each other at the moment. Blackie seems to be doing well for the moment.
I am now cooking potatoes to make one of my famous Potato Salads for the Birthday Party tom
Got the bills paid. The groceries have been bought and put away. Got gas for the van. I have money set aside for my meds and for a package I need to send out. I had to do without some grocery items I consider luxuries (others might consider them basic) and skipped the oil change on the van (I hardly drove it the last couple of months so it’s still good) in order to scrape together $39 to get a Rock Island E-R Models (Roco) FP7. My father chipped in for the shipping. Kind of him. I should have it by Wednesday.
Sitting here waiting on MOH to get home to eat. I made spaghetti but she got off work 45 minutes late.
Today I weathered the new car I got on Saturday and made the wheel car for my Dad. Phil gave me a WM flat car for him. At least it is a good use for those plastic wheels I have replaced on my rolling stock. At some point I think I will make one for myself. It is a nice 1 day project.
Tomorrow I may go to the club. MOH says go, but the grand kids are spending the night. They still do not have enough self control to take to the club with me. Everyone in the family is working on that.
Hope everyone has a good night and prayers for those in need.
Good evening everyone. oh Miss, sense we are here in PA. may I have an order of Amish made ham balls and also a big slice of shoo fly pie, would do nice. what you don’t have either [:O]. I have to wait til we go to Strasburg to get them ! ok then I will just have the special, then
Ray, as far as I know, O&MR only go’s to Newark, and interchange’s with CSX there. yes it’s to bad about the old Hojack bridge.lots of history about that bridge. I see that you over at the RR overpass, near Phelps. the wife grew up in Phelps.
as far as my layout goe’s, I run HO scale. the layout goe’saround all 4 walls in a spare bedroom. I try and do what’s around my area were I live, and the town that I grew up in. both were along the o9ld hojack line. as far as pics. go, wish I could, but no camera.beside’s it nothing any to special. needs alot of work yet. kinda of hard to get much done, 4 year old granddaughter and her mom live’s with us. the granddaughter is a grandpa’s girl. have’s to be with me all the time.
well that’s all for tonight. everyone have a good nite.
Been a busy couple of days so far. Haven’t done much with the trains. Tomorrow I’m going to the train club. I’m thinking of swapping out my grain train for a mixd or intermodal freight. I might use my 6 GP (a 15-1, 2 GP38-2s, 2 GP38Xs, and a GP30) consist to haul the club’s doublestack cars…
Jeff, You seem to like those FP7s… I looked at the BN one, and it is an actual number for one of the BN’s FP7s. I don’t know if it retained that number when painted from NP to BN though because it was renumbered to 726: IMO, price seems a bit high for what the RI one is, but I don’t think you go to the bay. That or I’m spoiled by the Kato SD40 (which is still waiting for some detail parts) I got for a buck more…
On the Rock Island unit, it looks to have quite a few separately applied details such as grabs. I paid more for the others and they have molded on details. I like the older Roco’s because they’re heavy, the drives are rugged and easy to work on and to me they look good. I don’t go for flimsy details. They break too easy and I’ve been known to break stuff by just looking at it.[(-D]
A pic or two from my old home town of Birdsboro PA…once had 3 railroads in the late 1800`s.
The Reading Co., Pennsylvania RR, and the Wilmington & Northern.
The old Birdsboro Corp. in Birdsboro…this company made a lot of heavy machinery for the steel industry…also they made freight car and caboose trucks.
The old PRR station in Birdsboro PA.
The old Reading Co. mainline looking west toward Reading PA…the line curving in from the left was the old Birdsboro Industrial track…and extension of the Reading belt line.
There used to be a wye here along with a small yard and where all the trees are was the location of the old Colorada Fuel & Iron, Spencer Wickwire Division…where Strasburg RR # 4 came from (formerly Reading Co. # 1187)
Just bidding the time before giving Blackie his evening pills. He was out earlier begging for a snack so I hope he will eat his pill like he should.
I got the presents wrapped and the card signed for granddaughter #2 this afternoon. Potato Salad is all made and that which isn’t being taken to the party tomorrow became most of my supper tonight. The guy from the Brown Truck brought me a better tire repair system to pout in the PIP in case of an emergency. It doesn’t have a spare (like a lot of new cars) but has a little air pump connected to some gunk that supposedly will get you too the nearest Toyota Dealer as long long as you are close to a Toyota Dealer… Only problem is the gunk to put into the tire ruins the electronic system that lets you know when a tire is low on air and so when you take it to the dealer you get to pay considerable $$$ to get the system back running. The Prius Chat Group highly recommended the unit from Slime I bought.
Ron, does this look familiar to your wife?
It is the bridge I would like to scratch build for my layout. It has seen better days.
I will be trying to get permission to go up to the ROW to take more photos and get a few measurements. Probably won’t be allowed to but, I won’t go on RR Property without the proper permissions.
Well, it’s time to call it a night. Bringing all those groceries in earlier was almost like work and putting them up in the cabinets wasn’t very comfortable either. I should sleep good tonight. See y’all tomorrow.
it’s only 8, got the weekend off, running some trains, guess I’ll give my saturday and sunday up for homework.
I also ordered the other BN Kato E8/9A #9943 so now I can set up my 10 car kato set, let’s see what do I still need… some GN passenger cars, some phase 1 amtrak cars and locos, and some F40’s just because.