Elliot's Trackside Diner November 2011

Now that the candy is going, going, gone!!

And the ghosts and goblins have gone away,

It’s time to close our eyes for a LONG train ride to somewhere else.

See where we wake up in the morning!!!


There are sleeping berths attached to the diner this trip as willl be a long overnight trip…to…well you will see in the morning…

Meanwhile the crew is busy cleaning up all the lederhosen and beer [B] steins from Deutschland.

Hope you packed yours good!!

The diner will get a new polish job, servicing and paint job.


Good thing the clickity clack (at least I hope there is some of that on this line) will drown out my cpap machine. Curious where we’ll be come morning light!?!

Have a good night all. -Rob

Really? my CPAP macine makes no noise…its the oxygen machine that make all the racket. The CPAP only makes the sound of my breath as I take it. BArely audible.

I wil spit polish the RIvet Counter and apply mother’s mag wheel polish on it so watch it everybody…slippery when wet!


I turn in early!!


Sleep Well!!!.

Whoever finds mine can starch it and turn it into a summer home.

Just a reminder: The site (forums included) will be down Tuesday morning. Get more info HERE.

After some more work:


Who´s talking about those ugly Bavarian things that make grown up men look like silly boys?

Btw, where are we this month? No sn*w, so we must be somewhere west, nein?

Hey gu----aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (Crash!)

I’m OK. No Flo, I didn’t try and slid on the counter again.

Wake me up early in the morning. Several of my friends are in Vegas for SEMA. So miss my flight back and I’m SOL.

KC9UWZ out.

AAAGGHH!!! Please!! No more Lederhosen!!!

Good Evening

Ulrich: How about someplace near the Mojave desert?

The weather here has been nowhere near as dramatic as what the NE got…we got dull dull dull and a little series of dribblefests showed up.

I have a Hallowe’en card fro Todd here…[:-,][swg]

Happy Halloween to all. I had a 131 kids tonight. That’s a pretty low number for around here. A few years ago we would average about 250. Some really nice costumes this year, and I think this years kids have been one on the most polite, with the vast majority saying “Thank You.” I don’t even mind the older kids coming around, as long as they are having a good time too.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and always has been. Probably because it is also my birthday. However, with the wife in the nursing home, this has been one of the more subdued Halloween’s I can remember. We usually have quite a large display of Dept. 56 Halloween Village put up, but we passed on that this year.

Things seem to be going well for the wife. She says the food is pretty good, and she goes to physical therapy twice a day. Last Tuesday they transported her to the surgeons office for an exam and then replaced the cast. We will repeat that of November 11th. I seem to be getting the hang of things around here, even made a chuck roast of Sunday. Turned out pretty good much to my surprise. I usually spend all afternoon with her, and then go back in the evening. I’m glad we were able to get her admitted near our home (15 minute drive) as driving back and forth is sort of tiring in itself.

Anyway, anxious to see where we end up this month. I certainly enjoyed the photos of Germany. I wish I knew where in Germany my Grandfather came from. There are so many things I should have asked my family before they all passed away. Lots of regrets about things like that.

Hope everyone has a good one tomorrow, Tom

Evening folks, anyone yet know where we are?

Flo, Beer Please.

Todd Thank you for talking to me tonight. For some reason none of the people I talked to at work like the North Star engine, maybe just because they are a pain to work on? Might have found a Town Car I can afford so it might be a mute question. While I am not happy with the mileage might as well call it 200,000 prices is right at $995.00. One owner car from a well to do area and been kept in a garage so paint should be in good shape.

Curt How long of a video can your camera take? What you posted looked very good.

12 Hour Day Well I still feel OK and held up pretty good. What stinks is with the 45 minute drive and with me having to be at work Tuesday at 6:45 AM again. Does not leave much time to chat and drink [B] and get 8 hours of sleep. I got home around 8:00 PM and would have to been in bed by 9:00 PM to get 8 hours of shut eye with getting up at 5:30 AM. [sigh]



Time for me to call it a night. See y’all tomorrow.

Good Evening All,

still no pwer at the shop and the laptop is not diner friendly yet. CUL, J.R.


GALAXY: If you’re talking about an oxygen concentrator being noisy…when was the last time it was cleaned/serviced??? The foam filters should be cleaned monthly (rinse 'em off in the sink, squeeze 'em dry, stuff ‘em back in). The machine itself should be tested at least every other month. If it’s making a loud racket…might need some a-justing or re-placin’. I’d have your service provider take a look at it. They “should” be relatively quiet machines. I serviced 'em for just shy of a year and did the annual periodic maintenance (tear 'em apart, clean 'em inside and out, reassemble, test) on a lot of them…'twas the Invacare brand.

Well (cold, toads have gone to their winter place), don’t know where we are…but wherever you go, there you are.

Seeya tomorrow folks, thoughts for those in need continue.


Evenin’ Folks!

Just a decaf as usual.

Hey! What are these things in the closet by the door? Lederhosen? Lederhosen?? Ah, I get it! THAT can mean only one thing…


Huh? Oh Galaxy is trying to sleep… Shhhh! Forgot he turns in early. What he turns into we don’t want to know, but he turns in early…

Only had a few kids here for trick or treat. Getting fewer every year. Probably less than 20 and I need the left over candy like… The best two were the granddaughters who stopped by early. Later there was a bunch of about 6 or 7 Middle School aged kids. I looked at them and said, “Hmmm The Middle School bunch I bet?” They giggled and said yes. I told them after teaching Middle School for 19 years i could spot a Middle Schooler a mile away. They giggled some more and grinned, so I gave them extra candy. They said Thanks, and left. 3 High School kids showed up tonight dressed in suits and ties… I accused them of impersonating an adult! They said they “Dressed up for Halloween!” They got extra candy too!

The motion of the train is making me sleepy so I guess I’ll just nap here in the dining car… i checked out the pullman sleeper earlier and it is way too noisy in there. All kinds of [zzz][zzz][zzz], snorking, coughing and the sound of oxygen hissing into some machine…



Boy, I’m glad that I caught that grab iron at the last second, otherwise I guess I’d be hand carting behind as we move.

Just stopping in to see how things are going this evening and to welcome everyone to the November diner. Think I’m going to turn in now, we’ve got our DM at w**k tomorrow so I have to have my “game” face on for the day and be a selling machine (not that I’m not already).

Ken: Check your PM’s sir, you’ve got some information about your NorthStar engine request.


Today is Tuesday, NOVEMBER 1st, 2011!!!

Turn your calendars!!!

For those of you who are up late or up early, we have arrived in Southern California…on our way of a trip across the southern states all the way to Florida!!![ip]

On our way we will stop by Jeffrey’s house trailer and see how many can fit in to see his layout {ala Volkswagon Beetle or telephone booth- for those who remember what eitehr of them is}

Some asked for a warmer locale, so that is just what we did. [;)]



Hello, Happy Late Halloween! It looks like we are now shooting across the states.

Maybe next month we could do Christmas down under… Now that Qantas is back in the air. [:)]

Talk to you all later!