Elliotts Trackside Diner (est 1-1-07)

Welcome [:D] enjoy the new place and…



Edit: for those who don’t know, we were requested to start a new place to chat, because the old one was too long and making it load slow, or thats how I understand it anyway…[:o)] All newbies are welcome here, have a seat and place an order with our lovely waitresses and have a chat… Enjoy!

Wow! I must be your first customer! Love what you’ve done with the place. So, what’s on the grill this morning? I could really use some bacon, eggs and hashbrowns. No coffee, though. Never really cared for the stuff…tastes like burnt water to me. I will take a tall glass of ice cold milk, though.

BTW, the names Cliff.

Happy New Year to you, too!

James I think they set you up just so you could buy. So thanks I’ll have steak and eggs, hashbrowns and lots of catsup. and a large diet dew.


The new place looks great!

And the girls are all here I see! Chloe, Zoe, and even Flo made it! And they’ve got the place looking fit for a king!

I’ll just have the crapes please…

If you don’t mind, while you girls are getting that I’m going to wander around and check the new place out!

Oh, and here’s a link back to the old Coffee Shop in case you’re interested: http://www.trains.com/TRC/CS/forums/1/196682/ShowPost.aspx#196682

I’ll have the chicken kabobs, please.

Thanks for letting us in this is great I did notice that we had a fill in waitress at the old place till it closes completely tonight but the new place will be great.

just checking in… hope everyone has a great nye tonight!!!

Nice place!

I’ll have my usual, a Bituminous Burger and a side order of Ties.[dinner]

Hope everyone has a great New Year![tup]


Well we haven’t gotten to far down the page on this the opening day, and seeing James is still on top and it is lunch, i’ll have a nice Tuna steak and some fries, and now that its noon I will have my first Southern Comfort and sour. I do the each year one SC&sour per hour til midnight. Please join me in the count down.

Happy new year!

The new place looks great, It will take a while for the “new car” sent to go away I imagine, maybe once the galley is fired up the old smells will return, LOL.

Reminds me of the Victoria Station Diner in Toledo,OH. It was made up of restored railcars.



Looks good. Nice job guys!
Now if only we could get a steamer in front of these e coaches…
I guess I’ll have some pancakes and a milk.
It’s sad to see the CS close, but hey, I’m on the very first page of this thread…
Well, I can stick around for a bit,

Time for a late lunch! I’ll have the steak and lobster.

Good afternoon, Ladies - I’ll have one of those steaks like Jeff has there, please. [dinner]

The place looks great, and Zoe and Chloe (and Flo), we appreciate all the effort you did to get things shaped up! [yeah] Yeah, the old smells will develop with time. (Though I could stand to avoid that sauerkraut smell when they’re making Reuben sandwiches…)

We actually are having sunshine in Cape Girardeau - guess that front has moved a little (for now). I’ll enjoy it - supposed to hit almost 60 F today.

I take it you like your burgers well done, George? [:O] [swg] [#welcome] to the Trackside Diner, and have a cup on me! What’s your RR like that you’re planning/building/modeling? Fill us in some. (We’re a slightly nosy bunch, but friendly)

I was fiddling some last night with the Walthers modular pieces. Wanted to make a building somewhat like their yard office (but maybe a bit thinner). Might have that mostly done today (except will want to add an interior to it, which will involve making or ordering details).

I’ll check back later in the day when the girls have the champagne out. (Remember that Vinnie will be around, guys…[;)] )

hey all, the new joint looks great! i fond that steamer, but can we have a BL2 or GG1 insted?

Okay who let the cat in for a drink

Well an almost happy newyear to some, a happy newyear to others

I found the new place, and came in through the backdoor, so:

I’ll leave through the frontdoor and wish all visitors to this new venue a very safe 2007!

take care


BL2?!? How bout something in a tux, maybe one of these?

That would work for me

southern?!?!? why not somethig shiny?

Sorry guys, tux’s are nice, and shiny stuff is great, but if you want to set yourself apart from the crowd, steam ROCKS!