Bergie snapped the padlock again, I’ll start again.[:)]
Here’s a link back: Diner X
Bergie snapped the padlock again, I’ll start again.[:)]
Here’s a link back: Diner X
****JimRCGMO, you mean pastors don’t do that stuff? [:-^]
Uh, oh hi nik, no, don’t need anything. What? Uhh, just looking to…um see if…uh everything made it.[:-^] I mean pies, yeah, the pies. Huh? Oh yeah I know the pie case is over there. I was …uh … just checking …um to see if …uh… everything was ok in the booth. Yeah, the booth. Don’t want the vinyl to …uh…well you know. Ahem. I mean the view! Just checking to see if the view of the switching was good. You know. In case we might have to adjust… uh…oh yeah the pies. I’ll go check the pies. Yup all here. See ya!
(jingle, jingle, SLAM!)
Well then let’s start the new month out with a great western omelet, wheat toast with plenty of butter and jelly, a tall glass of orange juice, and a cup of hot decaf coffee and live’en up the diner a little with some great music accompanied by a really great slide show of some great steam locomotives that once roamed the vast distances of the Great American West, along with a remembrance back of some great western actors who portrayed the cowboys of the Great American West, along with a great song of the west.
Everyone sing along now!!! [:D]
Coffee refill, please.
Off Topic: FIL fell in a parking lot and hit his head. He is being taken to the hospital. My wife is in route. Hope it is not too serious, he sure can’t handle many more of these and my wife is having a hard enough time with her parents fast decline.
On Topic: Here are two pics of the road experiment. Tore a scrap of tar paper, made a mixture of Ceramic Tile Adhesive/Snaded Cement Grout/White Elmers Glue and smoothed it on the tar paper. Once dry it was then rolled and pinched to make the cracks & pot-holes. Please note, this was just an experiment so there is MUCH room for improvement (like placing fewer pot holes in logical locations and adjusting color, etc). The lighter area was a failed attempt to make traffic wear. I think simply rolling actual wheels over it will work. Have no idea yet how to add painted “center lines”. Any thoughts?
[C):-)] Rob
Good morning all,Ah a new diner!Rob, check out Cody’s office on this site and he did a nice job doing roads and painting centerlines.
They re-posted the job and I re-applied for it. I guess there was an outcry from someone who didn’t make the cut so they posted it again.
That’s a great start,Rob!
For striping I use Elmer’s paint pens, fine point. You can get them at wallyworld. I used a steel straight edge to try to keep them straightish.
Glad I found the new place. SNOW day today, hard to put up siding in this slop! Laid some carpet in the basement train room. I’m supposed to find out this week when the C&NW ROF’s want to come see the layout. Hopefully I get enough notice and things go a little better than last time![]
Milk and a steak, Chloe.
Got some photos to show and get some advice on.
Weathered Hopper:
Telegraph poles made out of lollipop sticks, atlas flextrack ties, and cardstock:
Have a nice day![:)]
I just put up stars so we can find this place more easily. Thanks for re-starting the diner Nik. Also, Nik…nice work on the hopper and the poles.
Just in time for KY burgoo with KY hot sauce. That’ll warm you up!
Lee, I hope they award you the job. Looks like ypu might travel in the MI Upper Penensula if that’s the case.
Terry, I like the highway scene!
Rob - Thanks for the info. The Hoboken Shore RR had tracks in River St. The street was actually RR property and was used for truck access to the warehouses. Since it was RR owned, the street was never maintained and had ENORMOUS potholes. Towards the end the road was almost impassible by truck. I might use this method for that section past the plant.
I won a million dollars for my layout.
I won $1,000,000 in the Polish lottery.
I get a $1 per year until it reaches a million.
The lottery ticket cost only $1.
April Fools.
Well I can say I haven’t been FOOLED yet!!!
Ahh, another new Diner. Maybe the theme song can be from “The Jeffersons”.
Well I got a new car to weather. A bulkhead car. I will make a custom load on it. That should take a few days.
Didn’t do much today, other than a trip to the LHS. I did help at my wifes pre-school class. She asked if they remember me, and one said “wobby”. She was amazed, and so was the supervisor.
Well everybody have a good day, and I will take a WHOLE pecan pie!!
**Lee-**I’ve seen that plenty of times. I’ve got my fingers crossed it’s NOT because the one they wanted didn’t get through HRO to the selecting officials packet. On the plus side, they could have done it because they just don’t want the “crier” to come back later and cry foul play. Big mess.
Rob- Hope your FIL is OK. I think you’re on to something with the road. Looks like a real possibility. Can’t wait to see the pics after you get the details worked out.
S Terry- Road looks great. I’m envious. But not in a bad way.
Nik- Looks good too.
Looks like the new neighbors got moved in. Must have sent the switcher over to haul the Beer Barn right after they dropped us off. Just stopped in to see if… Um… I mean the cheapo pressure washer I’m using to wash off the back porch is cutting out a lot so I thought I’d let it cool down a bit[|(]. Otherwise, ANOTHER project half done.
Worked on re-routing some track this morn while I waited for outside to warm up. I’ll get a better flow and a couple more sidings for two industries, yet to be determined, and, and a small staging or yard for the cars. ANOTHER thing that wasn’t planned for. But will have one now. Well, best get back outside. Lost internet connection 3 times just since this post started.
Everybody is just popping in. Have a seat, set a spell. Nice view from over there. [:-^]
Garry #1 Berk #2 Hudson #3 Pacific (K4)
Lee Sounds like someone missed and now seems to think it isn’t fair. Good Luck.
Dick We haven’t heard from Fergie since he last went out on the wavy blue and not sure if the hounds can swim that long.
It would be nice to see Bill come back in again.
That’s about it
Best to all on sick call and those recovering [angel][angel][angel]
Talk to you later
Hi guys…had to find this place first. I got lost on the way here as it moved again.
All that and I don’t have much to say just now.
Got a headache and so not doing much…tried to work on Taxes…Fed was in and refunds received already its NEW YORK STATE that’s a pain in my caboose.We file separately. But NYS forms are not EZ like the Fed EZ, and we are FORCED this year to file Electronically. I can find the forms, instructions and can even print them out to do the “old fashioned way”, but I cannot find out what magic button to push ELECTRONICALLY when I get done. Guess we will have to pony up $$ for some preparer who is connected to do it this and every year now. The great state of NY. UGH [soapbox]
Of course doing taxes can give one a headache, let alone starting with one.
Well I will go and lay down and take some more Excedrin!
Good afternoon,
I thought we were getting close to another move…didn’t expect it to be today. Almost thought it was an April Fools’ day joke.
Nik, thanks for taking care of the move…looks like everything is present and accounted for, especially THAT pie case![dinner]
Lee, sounds like the same BS games the community college I used to work for likes to play. They’ve been known to have a candidate in mind, then open the search/hold interviews…all for appearances, knowing full well nobody else has a prayer, even if another candidate is more qualified.[V]
Some great road work showing today, very inspiring. The mega-pothole asphalt road looks familiar, I about destroyed the home healthcare company van on some just like it…[:-^]
I see Phillip left me a message in the last Diner. I agree, being subtle is best, but to paraphrase from “EMERGENCY!” Don’t be subtle, she’s not the type. Ex-Lax brownies would be “subtle.” Don’t know. I’ve been putting up with this B…, I mean, “peach” for years now, biting my tongue to preserve peace and harmony in the family. But…the day is coming. My nuclear armageddon clock is at thirty seconds to midnight… [oX)]
Uh, just realized…anybody seen Jeff yet today???
Maybe I’ll just hunker down in a back corner… I’ve got a feeling…
WHOOOPS! I got top. Ok boys and girls…order up, Lucky’s gotcher tab…[C=:-)]
And as you eat it you can actually FEEL your arteries hardening as you chew!
Well then, in that case, why settle for ExLax? Why not visit your local vet for some horse laxative?
Coffee refill, please & thanks.
***Eric, I finally made it to the PO today and picked up a package. THANK YOU! The wife will use that one closest to the circus/carnival. Much appreciated!
***Lee, where on this site do I find Cody’s Corner?
***Terry, those roads look excellent.[tup] Thanks for the Elmers Paint Pen tip. Trying not to spend anything more, but might have to for this particular task.
FIL just came out of head scan, so we don’t know if there is anything going on beyond the obvious yet. His lip required 10 stitches and one eye is swollen shut. Mentally he is still there. He said, “I took a dive into a swimming pool but there was no water in it”. We never know for sure if he’s joking or not, but that’s the way he has been since his big stroke 2 years ago. My wife will stay there over the next 24 hours to keep a close eye on him.
Hope everyone is doing well. [C):-)] Rob
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I’m liking this…
But, I wonder if even THAT would work on the Spawn of Satan…
Now, from the whimisical to the serious.
Rob: hope all works out for the FIL