Is it possible to email to myself a reply to a question I posted on this forum? I was sent a diagram that I would like to print out and have a hard copy of when building the item. If it is possible to email a message to myself, how do I do so? Thanks.
If it’s possible it’s not obvious how. Recent versions of windows have both a snipping tool to take a partial screen shot and a Print Screen function, which doesn’t print anything but saves a copy of your screen and you can paste it to another program like Word or Paint.
Or you could share your email with whom ever answered your question and ask them to email. Do not print your email addy in the forum.
I have used my camera to take a picture of what’s on the computer screen with success.
There is a much easier way to accomplish this:
Just press [Shift] + [PRTSC] and paste it to either MS Paint or MS Word and save it!
If you have Windows 7, 8, or 10, Snipping Tool is your friend. Once you capture what you want by dragging a window around it, you can either copy it (Ctrl+C) and paste it into a document, or save it as a separate .jpg file.
I use it all the time at work and at home for projects. Works on documents, as well as pictures…
Most keyboards have a key up top that sez, “Print Screen”.
almost all browsers have a way to save an image being displayed. On Chrome, right-click over the image and select “save image as …”
and you said
“If you have Windows 7, 8, or 10, Snipping Tool is your friend”
I tried the tool and it works great.
Why bother printing the entire screen? Simply right click on the image, then select “Save image as…”. That’ll put it in your computer in a file of your choosing, and from there, you can print it to whatever size you wish.