I used to get an email notifying me of someone answering a post, but I no longer receive an email when someone answers. Anyone know why? The box is checked for an email reply. Thanks, Jake
Hi Jake !! You may have to contact CTT, as some of us couldn’t get the emails to stop when we got the new forum. I think The Chief will let you know just what to do when he gets back !!
Thanks, John
Thanks much, Jake
If you really want them suposely if you click on update profile down at the bottom you shoould have a cicle to check yes or no if you want to be notified when someone replies to your post. most set it to no but in your case you want to click the yes and then the save at the bottom of the page but you say its checked I would go double checkk either that or they may have disabled it completely as some couldn’t turn it off.
IF what RT says does not work, email customer service. If all fails, email Bob Keller and he will get the IT folks to fix.
I’m not sure, but I believe IT turned that off by request of the members of the forums.
Bob; This is one member who would like to see it turned back on. Am I correct that you chose whether or not to get replies by going to your profile? If that is the case, perhaps the option should be returned with an additional option for ones to chose NOT to have their replies in that loop.
Mel Hazen; Jax, FL
I get some. Check to make sure your email address is correct in your profile and that your email program does not think it is spam.