I had some downtime in class today, so I made this writeup. Information comes from “the diesel shop” “American Rails” and other sources. Please point out any mistakes/errors. Feel free to ask any questions! [:D]

First question is: Where is the writeup?

I’ve forgotten to attach files or insert text many times…



Click on those two little squares at the end of his post (they are blue with question marks in iOS) and you will see his list on Flickr as handwritten pages.

Chickenstrips you’ve got a good start. Use this list compiled by Mr. Andre Kristopans and hosted by Mr. Don Strack on his website: EMD “60” and “70” SERIES (utahrails.net)

Ed in Kentucky

This page will get you to the MAC exports to Mexico and India: GM Export 1997-2020 (utahrails.net)

Ed in Kentucky

More interesting inconsistencies in the way the forum software deals with different browsers. The two little squares DO NOT show up at all on Firefox, but do show up on Safari, while quick reply works on Firefox but not Chrome or Safari. While it is a pain to support multiple browsers, the process can reveal a lot of errors in the website code.

Thanks to Balt for lighting up the links.

Seems like I’m missing the road numbers for the Conrail and Alaska RR 70MACs

Be careful Mr. Kristopans’ list has errors too. For the purposes of your list here are the number ranges of the SD70MAC locomotives as built. Within these number ranges the locomotives were continuous when built, wrecks, lease returns and retirements just because of age have created gaps.

BN 9400 - 9499, 9504 - 9716 (9500 - 9503 were the SD60MACs)

BN(SF) 9717 - 9775 (these were ordered by BN but delivered after the BNSF merger still lettered for BN)

BNSF 9776 - 9999, 8800 - 8989

CSX 700 - 774 (renumbered to CSX 4500 - 4574)

4701 - 4830 (flared radiators as part of Tier 1 emissions package)

Conrail 4130 - 4144 ( renumbered first to CSX 775- 789 then to 4575 - 4589)

Alaska 4001 - 4016

4317 - 4324 (flared radiators Tier 1 and Head-end power packages)

TFM 1600 - 1674 (reassigned to parent KCS same number, then renumbered

KCS 3900 - 3974)

( TFM stands for Transportación Ferroviaria Mexicana the original name for Kansas City Southern’s Mexican subsidiary)

Updated write up for the EMD MAC series! Thanks everyone for info.


For the record, the first MAC built WAS SD60MAC s/n 896011-1.

The last MAC Built was Alaska RR SD70MAC s/n 20056769-4

I also added the second Alaska Railroad production order to my list after the fact, that’s why it doesn’t show up.