I just bought a copy of one of my most favorite railroad movies, Emporer of the North, with Earnest Borgnine and Lee Marvin. I would like to make a model of this train, complete with the hobo’s riding the rods and Shack coming after them. Does anybody have an idea of where I can come up with models that would be good representations? I have yet to watch the movie a third time this week and start taking notes on the engine and rolling stock, but will soon. I would like to get as close to the movie as I can with out of the box kits if possible. I can have decals made if needed, but only if absolutely necessary. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Michael were did you purchase the movie Emperor of the north I have looked at rentals and have never found it.
I bougth it at a train show. I might be able to dig up the guys name for you. Otherwise, call a place in Neenah, WI called Depot Drygoods. (920)725-8854. I’m pretty sure they have it as well.
Amazon has it on VHS for $17.99. I couldn’t find it on DVD.
Mike, that was a good movie, I saw it as a kid, and I saw it a few weeks ago on one of the sattelite channels. I belive that they used Sierra R.R. number 3 for the locomotive. Mantua (TYCO) had, or still might have a model HO scale that is based on that exact loco. The detail is a bit toy-like, but that’s easy to change, the biggest thing would be installing some more realistic valve gear. Also, you would want to re-motor it if you plan on operating it. As for the rest of the train, you can probably find convincing cars, caboose, etc. in a Walthers catalog. Check at your local hobby shop.
Hope this helps, sounds like a neat project.
I copied my copy off of FMC a few weeks back, FMC shows the movies uncut, no ads during the movie, so you get a nice uncut flic, so for nothing but the price of a VHS blank I got my favorite movie also…:o)