Empty set box on eBay - for $15,000

Hello all, I found this listing and just had to check it out:


Be sure to read what eBay users have been asking the seller. Some of the ‘questions’ are pretty funny. I have the listing saved - just to see if the seller actually sells it!!

I dont know a lot about ebay but isnt there a listing fee regardless of it selling or not? If so, the jokes on this clown.

Looks like greed and insanity have spread from Wall Street to ebay.

Presently ebay has a .15 listing fee sale going on

i asked him to go check with his doctor as his meds might need to be adjusted

I must of hit a nerve when I emailed him as he replied but didn’t post to auction . Told me to stay with my kline and O27 trains and leave the real trains to him and those who know. too funny if you want to rip someone off you need to be able to take the heat

I wonder how many questions he acually has gotten about this item that he hasn’t posted

I guess it takes all kinds, and I thought the guy selling the American Flyer engine and tender boxes for 350.00 was nuts[:D]

While checking this item on E-Bay, I saw another one that peaked my interest and maybe yours: # 250406037974 (Free Shipping)

The value of ANYTHING is only determined by how bad you want it, and how bad the other guy wants to get rid of it. Best of luck to him.

Personally, I would have put it in the paper recycling. But, I don’t “collect” things, I own them to use them.

If you are poor, placing too much value on material things makes you crazy, if your rich, your just eccentric.

Be it a vintage piece of Lionel or my HO stuff, it has no value to me sitting in a box, its value is in the fun I have running it.


I’ve got 4 of these set boxes ranging in condition from C7 to C9 but am waiting to auction them off when the market price hits $20,000. [:D]


I agree with you but heres one I think is just as crazy


right now its at $5.00 for shipping + $23.49 for the 5 box ends to me theres something wrong in this thinking lol

It’s amazing that he has a 100% rating. I bet he is a fast shipper…

Yeah, I noticed his rating & checked. He seems to have listed and sold quite a bit with satisfied customers.

I wonder if this posting is a joke, or what. However, I don’t think I would ever buy from him after seeing this.

I think it was P.T. Barnum who said “there is a sucker born every minute.”

It was a real set but the attraction was always the 3 madison cars, Irvington, Madison and Manhattan all numbered 2625. I think he will be holding on to that box for a long time at that price. Since the item is in NY he can always go to York tomorrow and see what he is offered

what is interesting thou is the box is rare but not as rare as he thinks one simular to it sold on Ambrose bauer for $1350.00 a far cry from $15,000.00

The guy with the $15,000 buy it now box is obviously playing on people. People with $15,000 to spend know better 99.99999% of the time.

The end flap deal closed at $24.50 and that wasn’t a bad price seeing two of them are for desireable pieces where you often see end flaps missing on the boxes. That was Mwinterauctions and he comes up with tons of odds and ends like that with low opening bids. He comes up with scads of used shells, motors, truck assemblies, couplers, etc. and is a handy guy to have around. He also buys up MPC collections and moves it fast with great buy it now prices. I think he and Trainz are the two biggest power sellers on the bay when it comes to post 1970 trains.

Darn it ended with no bidders I can’t believe it. Where are all the bidders I figured this would of been swamped with at leasr 50 or so bids on a deal like this. It was such a rare deal.

email him and ask him if he plans to re-list it.

I’ll pass he already threatened me to turn me and my emails over to ebay ( I really don’t care) but I don’t want it to get to a point of harasment soI’m backing off at this point in contacting him lol

What a letdown. I guess we are still in a recession - since nobody has 15 grand to drop on an empty box. That, or no one forwarded the listing to Mr. Trump, like that one eBayer suggested…