its not so much talking to buffs when they see one out and about…its more when a buff comes from off the street and starts working for a rail road…but still brings a big buff asspect to work with them…that is where the harasment comes from… but just like any job…you have a few misserable people that make life hard for anyone… civilan or rail roader alike…
man…is that the only comeback you have… face it…you where shut down…
and so what if i cant spell…big deal… i think i got my point accross to you.!!!1
While betting on salieries (sp?) is not something I would care to do, it is a free country. And he just asked a question to get a ball park idea what kind of future he may have as a railroader. It’s not like he downloaded your 1040 from the IRS. As for me, consider becoming a real Engineer and design bridges or locomotives or something. Structural engineers start at $35k and more than double before you are forty (this is in the Southeast where wages are lower than the national average). You will have to work your hind end off for four to six years in school while the BAs are drinking and throwing up every night but if you have the head for the work it is very interesting. Good Luck - Ed
Terry i undrestand.Iam a buff and railroader.
Remember though that truck drivers often own their own trucks and thus have to pay for fuel, insurance, and repairs.
Dude…fini***he 8th grade and learn some basic grammar and spelling!
I have to agree with all of the points you made to Terry. If someone is resourceful, they can find out general salary information for almost any job in the world. I used to be a teacher and our contracts were open for anyone in the general public to look. I don’t think too many people cared enough to make the effort but so what if they did.
terry i agree can you imagine when there was train orders and having him copy one.
I personally agree with Ed. Terry, I frankly don’t see what your problem is - the guy just wanted to know aprroximately how much engineers make, and he DOES have a right to know that. He didn’t ask how much you make down to dollars and cents - just a ballpark figure, and I don’t see how that is rude.
I also think that private sector jobs where your position is based exclsuively on seniority have something very wrong with them. I believe that your rank and salary should be based on how much you know, and how well you can do your job - and NOT on what your age is. This is one of the reasons that I have decided against trying to be an airline pilot - even though I love flying. While 767 and 747 captains make tons of money ($200,000+), you have to wait until you’re 50 to be one.
Well, you might say it’s the question of experiecne. But, I say, that one person can make correct decisions with 5 years experience, and naother can screw up with 20 years of experience, so you know…
Also, the mandatory union membership is not attractive. While I am not anti-union by any means. some aspect of their bureaucracy reminds me of communist bureaucracy in the Soviet Union…
Here is my feelings and thoughts, coming from a rookie railfan, as well as an aspiring radio personality:
-There are some jobs I classify as “Dream Jobs” or “Ultimate Jobs”. These are the occupations that are a little unusual, and specialized, that people grow up wanting to be (Doctors, lawyers, radio personalities, rail workers, et al). These careers are so specialized that it’s hard to get an idea of what it would be like to do it unless you ask someone who’s been around for a while. In these cases, asking a question like “What is the average salary/job environment/benefits?” is perfectly fine.
-I find it amazing, and shocking, that there are engineers who feel that being a railfan makes you somehow less qualified. I’m guessing that railroaders got into railroading because, at one time, they liked the railroads. True, some railfans can be annoying, but most of the ones I’ve read about are unobtrusive.
-Fianlly, my personal belief is that when you get into a line of work that you grew up wanting to be in, it does not mean you have to give up being a fan. That is true in any “Dream Job”.
Radiodude thank you.You are right.When i went to school everybody would tell what they wanted to be.And you dont have to give up being a fan when you get your dreams whatever your job.
Who would have thought that such a simple question would have raised such a ruckus.
what gives you the right to know??? i had no problem telling anybody what ball park my income is but if you think you have the right to know i agree with terry then. saying that is like saying you have the right to know how many toes i have or what kind of car or truck i drive. or anything else personal about me. same thing in my book. if you have a right to know my 1040 would be published for all to see. i believe the old timers were right all the rights you have is to paay taxes and die…
Hey J,I’m going out on a limb…bet you have 10 toes;Now the entire world knows.
For the record, I didn’t say he had the ‘Right’ to know. But as you said, I don’t see any harm in telling someone a ballpark figure if they are interested in looking at my occupation as a career.
I don’t know if I’m a buff as I don’t take pictures or bother rail crews; heck, I don’t even lay pennies on the tracks. I do like to know how things work, especially large powerfull equipment. I was an auto mechanic for 12 plus years and it bothered me when customers would tell me how to fix thier cars; it did not bother me when they asked me how something worked. We as non railroaders are ignornat(not stupid) as to what it means to be a railroader. When we have a question we look to you as the expert(something you should take pride in). Don’t degrade us for asking questions(I don’t care about your personal salary). I hope that when you became a railroader it was something you wanted to do and not just the first thing that became available at the job service office. I have worked my but off for 4 years at college and a full time job to become a technology education teacher. I hope that when one of my students is considering railroading as a carear I can count on railroaders to offer honest, and genuine imput.
Yes, I did spell ignorant incorrectly. My hands are cramping from years of wrenching.
ed you are right you didnt say was yevgeny who said he has a right to know. and he dont have that right. and jack straw now that everyone knows how many toes i have i guess i dont have nothing to hide any more. except what i drive… and ill never tell.
on csx…engineers are not allowed to copy train messages…dtc block athority… or anything else for that fact while opporating the controlls of a locomoitive…thats the conductors job… besides…if i do copy it for myself… i know what i wrote…and know what i mean…so spelling and grammer for myself is pointless…
after all this bickering…the bottom line is…what company you work for… how much you want to work… and how many years you have… will determan what you make as an engineer…