so who has thought of creating an engine that is not prototypical. me that´s who.
So??? Have fun.
no i want to know if any other modelers have strayed from prototypes.
For your information on large locos. In the book “Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail” there are drawings of some proposed locos for use on the Santa Fe RR. Among the proposals were 2-8-10-2’s, 2-8-8-8-8-2’s, and even 2-10-10-10-10-10-2’s. These featured articulated boilers, front cabs before the SP had them, and drivers underneath the tenders like the Erie Triplexes.
The Santa Fe had many radical articulated designs on the roster for various time periods including articulated boilers, and a number of 2-10-10-2’s. Santa Fe did not experience very good luck with articulateds and gave up on them.
What a sight some of the proposals would have been if they had actually been built.
I can just imagine what it would have been like to stand trackside as one of these monsters went by.