Entertainment world is Making Fun of Us!!!!!!

Bob and I just finished reading your writings on the train. We really enjoyed your narratives of railfans. Thanks for posting the link and sharing with us.
Nancy and Bob from AZ[:)]

The trouble with the entertainment world is that it is fantasy that is their business and getting the the public to mindlessly watch them and buy the sponsers products is their only objective. Railfans have the distinction of having some knowlege of what makes the country run. There are few so called hobbies that bring out understanding in such diverse fields as electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, economics of scale, the chemistry of fuels, communications both historically and real time,geographic knowlege beyond the ordinary, historical knowlege that puts us close to the masters level in study both in general and those sub-disciplines of business, labor, social political, economic,and military histories.The point of the matter is that we know more about the real world of hard work, active living and reality than any actor or show biz type would hope to know. Entertainers are in many way just dressed up,(in most cases) salesmen and women that are restricted to a small world of memorized lines that someone else wrote, expanded egos, lights, cameras and very controled environment t. We of the fraternity of Ferroequinology do have the good grace to be kind to those in the entertainment industry. They are in the fantasy of lets pretend while we know the reality of things that move and really makes it happen [2c]

I keep biting my tongue (and it hurts) but I have to post this!

We have been making fun of them for many, many years. I guess turnabout is fair play!


“Lord, why do you hate my trains?”

  • Rev. Lovejoy, The Simpsons


Actually, there are a significant number of them waiting for some of those cars to crash.[xx(]

The lead character (the human one) in Alien Nation - The Series had a layout in his living room. Police Detective. Never mind. I just made their argument again.[:D]

The only tails I take pictures of are of the rear ends of horses pulling horse-ddrawn streetcars. (Yes, Douglas, Isle of Man, Great Britain, still has an operating horse-drawn streetcar line. Also a preserved 1893 very scenic honest interurban electric railway (to Laxey and Ramsey) with its original equipment and a narrow gauge steam operation (to Cambelltown), ditto.) I meant “railfan”, but my computer skills aren’t quite match for the computer that has access to Internet that I use. Notice the ddrawn above. Thanks for sharing my misery. Dave

Screw the entertainment industry! They’re the ones who are mentally retarded, and personally, I don’t care for them that much. They just want to give people wrong views on things. Whoever the guy is who thought up the mentally retareded railfan charecter should be punched 40 times!

You will never be shot for lack of candor my friend - Piouslion [bow][bow][bow]

I do watch TV. But TLC, Discovery, History, Discovery- Wings(earned my wages in airline/aerospace for years), and HGTV. Do find some programs on trains. Even a garden show which had a program on garden railways. Then spend time on my railroad, the Colorado and Western Narrow Gauge.
Live not to far from the Yakin Valley Railroad, so get to see their trains, even NS with string of cars for the Yakin Valley interchange at Rural Hall, NC.
I do not pay attention to the dumb shows.
Fred in NC.

It’s okay …Michael Moore will be avenging the railfan community in his new film project “Ferroeqine 3985”. The basis is that the Bush administration is in cohoots with Union Pacific over licensing fees to modelers and the NJ Transit railfan ID program is the first step in the DHS’s plan for National ID cards. He also makes the connection that train shows and swap meets are really selling unlicensed and untracable railroad models and collectables to support CIA fiananced operations overseas…should be pretty good.

Lovejoy had a pretty cool setup too, [8D]


Boy that Michael Moore is really on top of things.

I don’t think he really has an opinion on anything, he just likes creating controversy.

After a fashion

Anyone ask me what im doing and I just tell them the truth,I like watching trains.

I agree with you: Gladly , REGARDS - Piouslion [bow][bow] [^][^][bow][bow][^][^][bow][bow]

Who cares about the lousy rich idiots in Hollywood and the East Coast?

I definently don’t.

Here’s a way to look at it bnsfkline. I was watching a stand up comedy show the other day and a guy talked about how news reporters make fun of people in Iraq. One of his jokes was this: “(reporter) ‘Now, let’s see what the Iraqi people think of our presence in Iraq.’ Then they show a crazy guy in the street jumping around and yelling and screaming.” Even though that was a joke, it had a kind of truth to it. Television just takes a tiny thing and stretch it into somethimg HUGE. Sometimes they just make stufff up. Who cares how they portray us. As long as we know they’re wrong, what is there to worry about?

I don’t think I could have said it better!

-Mark Hintz