Environmental review approved for section of California high speed rail

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Environmental review approved for section of California high speed rail

Sounds like a “train to nowhere” ala “bridge to nowhere” up in Alaska back in the day.

You two are wrong, it makes complete sense to build in the country first, the reason that they are building the mainline segment first rather than the terminals is two fold: first, they want to acquire property before the price escalates; and second and more importantly, that they don’t want funds diverted from its purpose, true HSR, to local projects. I always say that former DOT Chairman Ray LaHood did not fall off of a turnip truck, he knows that local political leaders would divert the HSR money to commuter trains or even street repair so that they can say to their constituents “I lowered taxes!” and we would never have true HSR.

Unfortunately this sounds more like rail projects of yesteryear than today. In the old days you would say you are building between X and Y, sell bonds and start, hoping to finish which often never happened. Even then you would start providing service on the segment finished.

Today when a project starts you want to have your ducks in order, financing in place, business plan. This seems to
moving on the fly, a wing it. I realize this is a special situation but best I can tell the initial section will have little
viability and solid plans and finances for the rest are yet to be determined.

A recipe for …

Hell Rep. Jeff Denham wanted to take the money and pour it into upgrading Hwy 99. To him, the hell with rail!

It took the greatest generation to win WWII, put a man on the moon and build the interstate highway system. Now we have the whinny generation. We don’t know how to win wars anymore and in the time it takes to do a environmental impact study and settle lawsuits the Chinese have built their own highway system and high speed rail system. R.I.P. America.

It took the greatest generation to win WWII, put a man on the moon and build the interstate highway system. Now we have the whinny generation. We don’t know how to win wars anymore and in the time it takes to do a environmental impact study and settle lawsuits the Chinese have built their own highway system and high speed rail system. R.I.P. America.

What would if we didn’t have cars. When I was visiting England , I found that they had a very good rail and subway system in place. What California has as far as a rail system. Is more a rail and bus system as I see it. HSR will help link, many small community with the larger community such as SF and LA with them. With this we will become less dependent on our cars someday in the future.