Does anyone know if an Erie caboose is available in HO… Wood, plastic, or brass. I’d settle for new or used.
Overland made several different versions of Erie/EL cabooses, standard and bay window. They are pretty common on Ebay, usually got for $125-$150, more for painted models.
JJL Models-
Makes a resin kit, very nice detail, high quality casting. Probably your best bet for a resonable priced one, they go for about $50 but are well worth it if you want a “correct” one.
I can’t think of a mass produced Erie unit, there are a few EL models (from Athern, Bachmann, etc…) but nothing in Erie other than a oddball Gilbert unit that said Erie on the side of it- nothing like the onesd Erie had, and since it’s a “collectable” it goes for a good price too.
Oops! Forgot one!
Quality Craft made a craftsman style wood kit that you can find on Ebay, but you need some skills to build them. They’re fairly rare also, so they usually go for $40-$50 too.