Ernest Re-gearing kit for Athearn's BB loco's

I installed some Ernest re-gearing kits years ago in two Athearn BB locos I have and have always wondered why after the installation of the Ernest Re-gearing kit the direction of which the loco travels changes. But tonight after reading the elc./dcc forum I know which track is positive and after reading some where how to fix this direction change issue with the Ernest kits I changed the trucks around to match the direction of travel according to the NMRA S-9 standard. By swapping them end to end. I will say that while this is easy to do I had to open up the frame a little to give the trucks turning room. Other wise the tab that comes up through the Athearn BB frame does not have the room for the truck to turn in both directions.

Just thought I would past this along.

You never know what you’ll learn or you will teach you or when you’ll learn it or even if you need to know it.

I think Ernst reccomends reversing the wiring to the motor.

I hardwire mine anyways getting around the scrappy contacts it uses.

You have to remove the contact spring at the bottom of the motor, or bend the contacts up.

The reason they reverse is Ernst adds one more gear to the train of gears. At least Blue Box engines are basically shake the box kits with plastic clips that are easily removed and replaced after switching the trucks.

Take the two clips that hold the brush springs off and rotate the top of the motor to the bottom and put it back to gather and it will run the other way.That’s what i did years ago to watch two blu-box powered trains hit head on.