esu cab control

if your not in programing mode with esu cab control,just running your trains

do you need to be connected to the internet

I have honestly never looked at the reviews of that system. I think Tony’s Trains probably has one on youtube. Here is one from ESU

However the need to be connected to the Internet to run trains, makes no sense at all, so I would say it is probably unneccesary.

Possible you are using the incorrect terminology. The throttle connects to the base via a wifi router. That being said, it could also be a router that happens to be connected to the internet as well. The router is a required piece of hardware - the internet connection as well - not necessarily.


None of the options for runnign trains over WiFi need an internet connection. Not ESU’s Cab Control, the MRC WiFi adapter, the Digitrax LNWI, or the generic method of using JMRI.


I have one, the answer is no.

It will be handy to have an internet connection available for when updates are available though.
