I have been trying to upload a sound file to one of my ESU Decoders, a LokSound 5 DCC Micro. I keep getting a fatal error where it will not upload the sound file. I can read the decoder, write to it, reset using the firmware, but simply cannot upload a sound file. When writing the sound file I receive the error, the Programmer locks up with the yellow status light stuck on. I have to pull the power in order to get things back. Any ideas? Been struggling with this for a bit. Is it time to move to Tsunami?
No, because you cannot upload sounds to Tsunamis.
Are you using a V5 sound file?
Most likely reason is less than ideal power transfer from the Lokprogrammer to the decoder - dirty track, dirty pickups, could be anything. Try connecting the decoder black and red right to the lokprogrammer output.
There is also (or there was on V4 decoders) a CV that could lock out certain programming protocols. It didn;t seem possible to lock out ESU’s proprietary one, which is what is used to upload sound files, so I doubt that could be the problem. I’d make sure the file is for a V5 micro, and that the decoder firmware and your Lokprogrammer software are up to date. And make sure there is a good connection - just because it can read and write DCC CVs doesn’t mean it’s good enough for sound file uploads, sound file uploads are a huge amount of data, and don’t use DCC protocol - if it did, it would take days to upload a sound file.
[#welcome] to the forum. Your posts are on moderation for only a short while, so there will be a delay.
I’ve not had that error, nor seen it in the forum, where most people are happy with Loksound. There is an active ESU group at Groups.io. Also there is a Loksound group in their Files Section is the Unofficial Loksound Programmer Manual, which is supposed to be a more user friendly version. I did not see anything that relates to your problem.
We also have some Loksound gurus here.
Do let us know if you find an answer.
I also vaguely recall some sort of issue with a specific Windows version and a specific Lokprogrammer software version - since fixed with an updated Lokprogrammer. Might just be me going senile - but I did include getting the lastest software as part of my initial response, so make sure to try that.
I have had wrong version errors and you get that message right away.
Why I got tha message, I am not sure. I was picking a sound file for a V5 micro, it said it was a sound file for a V5 micro but on installation it told me it wasn’t a V5 micro decoder. I have another decoder install, so I will see if I can recreate the error.
If you are programming the decoder IN the engine, it’s a contact issue. Your wheels have to stay in perfect contact with the rails for half an hour. If there is ANY loss of contact for even a fraction of a second, it will throw up that error. Make sure your wheel to rail is perfectly clean. You may even have contact issues between the axles and journals. Doesn’t take much.
Randy, thanks for the response. I agree with you on the Tsunamis which was why I chose the LokSound. I have a couple installed into some Kato Diesels which work great, I really like the motor control and of course the sound. It’s odd that it worked several times and then suddenly nothing. I did make sure that the project was updated to a V5 Micro dcc, that all worked. The other weird behavior is that I can read and write any CV I want. It’s only when attempting to upload the sound file.
Thanks Big Daddy, I will for sure keep you posed. I have looked high and low, posted on the ESU forums, submitted a message to support. Tomorrow, (Thursday) they have US support hours, I will give them a call.
Yeah I had that thought as well, I have been trying to make sure all is clean with no issues… even to the point connecting the alligator clips directly from the programmer directly to the contacts on the locomotive. Also just for reference I am using LokProgrammer software version 5.0.11, I have tried resetting the decoder… again I can read and write CV’s just fine… it’s only the sound.
Do you have the decoder tester as well by any chance ? I’ve had three engines, that no matter what I did, I could not upload a sound file to the decoder installed in the engine. Removed the decoder and put it on the tester and loaded the sound file no problem. Was able to change individual CVs after re-installing in the engine as well. Never did discover why, but that was the work around that solved the problem.
Similarly, you could try connecting your programmer directly to the decoder itself.
I do have the tester and also tried connecting directly.
I ended up swapping out with another decoder which is working great… I guess just chalk it up to bad nvram on the failed decoder? It’s just odd that I can read/write the CV’s… just not the sound. Now I have to figure out how to get support to replace it
The new one, same model, is working great. I programmed it first using the tester to validate everything was working. Then did it again while in the locomotive, all good on that. Btw the Locomotive is the n-scale Athearn Big Boy, 1st gen, works great now!
Thank you for all the responses. I do really like the option of being able to load and customize the sound files of the ESU LokSound decoders. Looking forward to being a part of this community.