A part of the Central New York Chapter of European Train Enthusiasts (ETE) N-scale Bend Track modular layout will be on display next weekend, February 2-3, at the Great Train Expo in Rochester, NY.
Featured will be four modules running European stock, as well as other information:
A description of the above modules can be found here.
More information on the CNY Chapter of ETE can found on their website.
Principle differences strict Bend Track and our interpretation is the use of 1.5" foam top and Sievers Benchwork with 40" legs.
Show hours are 10-4 and full information including directions can be found at the Great Train Expo site.
Come visit and say hello.
Peter Verheyen
The Central New York Chapter of European Train Enthusiasts at the Great Train Expo in Rochester, NY
The Central New York Chapter of ETE was once again represented at the Great Train Expo in Rochester, NY. This year we brought a part of our groups Bend Track modules with Hope Kuniholm, Tom Lynch, Peter Verheyen, and Sofia Verheyen (age 10) showing their efforts. This was the second public appearance for Tom’s and Peter’s modules, but the first for Hope’s and Sofia’s, those having been completed since Thanksgiving of '07. As was the case last year, this was a very busy event for us with almost non-stop action and questions from both youngsters and adults, newcomers and seasoned ferroequinologists. Our prime location, ours was the first thing seen as visitors entered the facility, helped keep us busy, but so was the European theme which seemed to fascinate many. The card models on Peter’s module were also the subject of extensive discussions with fellow modelers, some of whom have also worked in card, leading to a great exchange of ideas. Among our exhibitor neighbors, the Genesee-N-Ontario’s n-scale T-Track modular layout and z-scale layout were of particular interest. While there seems to hav been a decline in train fair attendence throughout the region, we never would have known it here. Rochester is very hospitable to model railroading and the level of interest high. Defin
The Other End Loop: Finally began construction on my end module in mid-February and quickly made progress. First, completed construction of Walther’s “gasometer” (used to store the gas created as a by-product of the coking process) and then scratchbuilt two blocks of pre-fab cast concrete flats as well as the little garden shacks in the “grabeland,” an informal community garden usually on land owned by the DB. Still to be built a partial factory and office building. The module consists of two levels with the flats and other buildings over the loop. To ensure easy access the loop is painted black on in the inside making it more or less invisible, yet providing interesting viewing as the trains go through (for those at that level. To make the trackage more interesting, a siding was added next to the gasometer, the turnout also doubling as a connecting piece to the next module.
With the exception of more stunted pine trees, landscaping is mostly done on the lower part with the “grabeland” posing a gardening challenge, as well as the addition of a shed on the tarmac slab. On the upper level, there will be parking lots on either side of the flats, paths to the buildings, and a main road separating the flats from the industrial area. The tank and structures will also receive weathering. Go to http://web.syr.edu/~pdverhey/eisenbahn/pvmodule.shtml#end for larger images.
Our modules can next be seen at the Finger Lakes Train Fair in Ithaca, NY, April 26 and 27. For more information see http://www.lehighvalleyrr.com/
Enjoy, Peter
With the exception of weathering the Gasometer and some minor detailing, I’ve finally finished my foray into the world of modeling in N. Now, I can look forward to running the trains and showing the layout, either with our club or with the family… With the exception of the Gasometer, all structures on the final module are constructed of card and scratchbuilt (excluding a handful of small kits such as bus shelters, transformer stations, and the phone booth).
http://www.philobiblon.com/eisenbahn/pvmodule.shtml#end has more pictures than those shown in the post immediately preceding this one.
It’s been fun… Now back to my regularly scheduled H0 layout that has been lonely these past 14 months while all efforts went into building these Bend Track modules, an outgrowth of our European Train Enthusiasts Chapters’ project…