Ever have a decoder get amnesia?

I have a TCS A1X in an older Stewart ‘B’ unit that occasionally loses its mind. The B unit is in an advanced consist with the A using a consist address in CV19. It runs fine for days, even weeks on end, and then suddenly just stops responding. If I put it on the programming track and read the decoder, CV19 has gone back to ‘0’, or the real address went from 4 to 2 digit, or some weirdness.

The command station is a Digitrax Zephyr, not that I think that has anything to do with it. I use DecoderPro to program the locos.

Anyone ever have this happen to them with a decoder? I’ve not had this problem with other engines yet, but then this is the only advanced consist I’ve setup so far. I’m going to drop TCS a note and see what they say, but I was curious if anyone here ever had this happen to them.

Yes, I had a Lenz do it and an guy at the club had a Digitrax do it.

It only seems to happen when I try to do some ops mode programming on it, or on the other unit it’s consisted with. Maybe the consist address is confusing it, even though I use its own address to program.

Be interesting to hear what TCS has to say about it.

Let us all know if and when you find a solution. I hope you “saved” the programing in Decoder Pro to make reloading it a smaller problem!

Of course! I couldn’t live without Decoder Pro. [:D]