Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End

Hi Everyone.

I just wanted to drop this note and say that my model railroading efforts are about to embark on a bold new frontier. As I may have hinted in other posts, I will be moving to a new location across town from my current residents with my parents at the end of the month. In preliminary review of my possible living arrangments, Every option I am looking at will give me an aproxamate 10 X 15 Space to build a model railroad. As such, I am going to be abandoning my Lander Northwestern concept that I have been pursuing. Not that the LNW is a bad concept or flawed in some fashion, It is just that the Lander Northwestern is a concept that fits the pattern of what I was able to do, rather than what I wanted to do. So rather than carry on with a concept that does not bear my full weight of passion and vigor, I am moving on to something that does.

With this move about to take place, I am now going to start implementing a plan that I have had floating around in my head since I first developed the concept when I was seven years old. This concept is the hope and dreams of a very ambitious seven year old, and the fact that as I am now 14 years older and much more wiser, and that the concept I developed so long ago is still valid, Is an amazment to my self. What I plan to do is reuse the South Lander Industrial Branch Section of my current layout and have that be the Union Pacific Interchange with the loop of track being a short section of UP Main Line. Then around the room I plan to build a GN/BN/BNSF themed layout with a 4 level surround staging setup around the perimeter. The BNSF and the Surround Staging are the only real modifications to the original scheme and the UP section is changed from being a paralell line to occupying the penensula in the arrangement afore mentioned.

As I envision this new layout, if I stand in the center to my left and curving around behind me will be the main operational classification yard for the layout. Proceeding from there will be the UP In