"Operating question. If you operate both engines together, do you have to wire both to the same “reversing unit”? I have three Lionel GP35’s wired to one E Unit to prevent the old “getting one out of sequence thing”. Once you get them on the track, no big deal but is a little awkward to handle. Will pull the world. " These may be so strong, they will pull a long train with a dummy coupled and not need two powered units.
I can’t speak to Lionel but as for Williams, I routinely run them double and sometimes even triple headed. Williams’ e-units cycle back and forth perfectly. Never had a misfire; they all go thru forward, neutral, reverse together in perfect sequence. As a matter of fact, the bell and horn is the same for all diesels and they chime and blow in harmony as well.
Williams is a great puller but having trouble in extremely long trains w/one of the couplers popping open. An easy fix when I get around to it, however.
My only complaint is that the units start in forward rather than neutral & if power is too high (as when I just have run an MTH PS-2), then these little buggers shoot forward like a rocket and you better stand by if anything is in the way.
I understand that the wiring can be fixed to make them start in neutral. I just haven’t got around to it yet.
Great engines.