I bought a Soo Line ACF covered hopper from Accurail. However I model the 2000+ era. I plan to weather it and patch out the reporting marks. What RR has ex Soo line covered hoppers, and what is the reporting mark. Do I also have to change the numbers?
Soo Line cars are still around with SOO reporting marks.
Canadian Pacific owns Soo Line, so owns the Soo reporting marks, so they really don’t have to reletter them. CP hasn’t been very concerned with repainting equipment. Soo Line engines, cars and cabooses are still in use (yes cabooses) in their Soo paint, there’s still some patch-out ex-Milwaukee MP-15s in use, often with the black patching being stripped off by time so the “Milwaukee Road” lettering is showing through.
I was just railfanning the CP earlier this week and saw plenty of Soo Line cars with Soo Line reporting marks (and presumably their original numbers) on freight trains. Since CP owns the Soo Line and its marks, keeping the original marks and numbers avoids crowding out the available numbers for cars with CP reporting marks.
That is why the UP has actually lettered some new cars with CMO (very old Omaha Road reporting marks belonging to the Chicago & North Western) because it frees up car numbers that they can reuse if the reporting marks differ.
I have seen some older Soo Line cars with changed reporting marks, and this website has a good example of a Soo Line colormark covered hopper re lettered for Montana Rail Link.
Dave Nelson
Some of the ex-SOO and ex-MILW cars have been sold off and are ‘patched’. The CMO/CGW/MSL reporting marks tend to be on fleets of new cars that are under long term lease(from what I have heard). That makes sense when trying to manage cars in a lease fleet.
Also, the Soo/CP relationship is a little convoluted. It’s not like say when UP bought CNW and CNW ceased to exist. Right now the Soo is still to some extent in existence as a legal corporate entity…so it’s kind of like a subsidiary of CP. That being said, as old Soo equipment is repainted, it’s all being repainted in CP colors, not Soo.
There still around, I have seen several SOO locomotive around too.
Here’ a SOO car I photographed n 2012 in Tennessee
There’s a lot of old SOO cars still in original SOO markings and paint, but some of the older ACF hoppers have also been sold off to ICE, DME, GNBC, etc. if you want to patch it out to something else.
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