Excessive speed.

I’ve got a Model Power Chessie Plymouth switcher that runs rediculously fast. It has one speed…FAST. Is it the transformer? I can’t imagine it being made to run as fast as it does. I’ve got your regular Tyco transformer(Which I will be replacing soon) Is there a certain voltage to look for that will make all engines happy and run at slow speeds?

Hmmmm…have you taken it back to the place you bought it (assuming it was a brick-and-mortar place)?

If it’s running only one speed, are you able to pull any cars with it? I can’t imagine why it would be running flat out, unless there’s something with your transformer. I know this sounds silly, but do you have the leads connected to variable DC instead of straight DC? If you do, then it may be a short inside the secondary coil of the transformer, allowing the full 12 volts to go to the tracks.

You might take it to your LHS and try running it on a test track there. That would at least give you two indications - either it’s the locomotive, or it’s the power pack. My guess is that it’s the power pack.

The problem is that a trainset power packr typically has a variable resistor in series with the transformer for controlling the speed. This works fine with a locomotive matched to the pack. A locomotive with a motor that has less resistance than intended will not start until a higher throttle setting, one that has more resistance will start at almost full speed.

The solution is a transitor power pack (my favorite is MRC Tech II 2500). Any of the MRC Tech II, Tech 3 or Tech 4 pack will do fine.

Another excellent opinion!

I’ve got a question. How do you hook up a Tech 4 to EZ or True Trak?

A good quality power pack would probably help some, but the main problem is the the motor amd gearing.

I would have to agree with nfmisso. I had the same problem with a Peco engine. At the time I had a Tech 4 220 and an old Tyco transformer (running two tracks). The engine ran fine with the Tech 4. The pots in the Tyco went bad and the rest is history, I replaced it with another Tech 4 220 and the problem was solved. I was able to determine the pots was bad by using a volt/ohm meter.

Thanks for the advice. I’m looking at a tech II and tech IV right now. I don’t want to break the bank, but I want to run my trains nicely. Thanks everyone!